2017 – News & Updates

12 February 2017
Proof that incorrect fines are being regularly issued and what you can do about it!

– Intro

Wow, can you believe that we’re half way through February already – it feels like Christmas was only a few weeks ago and now we’re almost half way through the first quarter of the year!

Unfortunately, that means that many millions worth of unjust and unlawful fines have already been issued this year, and it also means that the policy enforcers and revenue raising ‘debt collectors’ are out in record numbers as well.

The good news is that there are now so many people challenging their fines that “the system” is starting to crumble and, as you read through the various figures detailed in this month’s news articles, we’re sure you will be both shocked and pleasantly surprised by the impact that our members are currently making.

But, there’s always more work to be done and, whilst the revenue raising goons continue to increase their efforts to collect as much money from motorists as they can, we need to spread the message out there to every Aussie motorist that incorrect fines are issued all the time and you can successfully challenge them, if you have the important, licence-saving information in our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/

As you will see from the articles in this e-mail update, the powers-that-be are absolutely desperate to extract as much money from motorists as they can right now, through any means necessary and that’s because their greatest fear – that the general population is starting to wake up to their scam – is fast becoming a reality. There are infinitely more of “us” then there are of ‘them” – police, sheriffs, court staff, politicians – and the day we collectively wake up to that fact is the day that their system of control over us collapses.

We urge you to watch this short but powerful 6 minute video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6b70TUbdfs –  which was sent to us by the guys at the Know Your Rights group (there’s more on them further down this e-mail update) – as it very clearly shows the true power that We, the People have over government!

And, if you want to know how to exercise that power or, if you want more information on why it is so important to do so, please read on ….

Proof that incorrect fines are regularly issued

Despite all our efforts over the past 10 years that we have been running our website, we are still constantly amazed by the number of people that genuinely believe “if you’ve done nothing wrong then you’ve got nothing to worry about” or, “if you don’t speed then you won’t get fined.”

The media reports on an almost weekly basis about how someone successfully challenged a fine – usually the more high profile cases such as the Pittman case from a few years ago – https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/policewoman-wins-fight-against-eastlink-speed-camera/news-story/a20dabe2f928925e6f9d896e8edd8af3 – where a policewoman successfully proved that she was not speeding, despite yet another claim from a notoriously inaccurate speed camera.

Sadly, despite those high profile cases being reported, people still buy into all the government propaganda regarding speed cameras and seem to genuinely believe that they are useful for something other than blatantly raising revenue. Even the figures showing the increase in the road toll in almost all States around Australia still doesn’t convince them that these devices do not work.

So, we have gathered a couple more media articles that again proves that incorrect fines are issued all the time and, just because you are “obeying the law” or “driving below the speed limit”, it does not mean you are safe from receiving an unjust and unlawful fine, and it also does not mean that everyone who receives a fine or infringement notice “must have” been speeding or breaking the law!

Although this article – https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/vicroads-launches-probe-after-1432-victorian-drivers-wrongly-fined-due-to-it-error/news-story/030bd70076b059bb3f07d9c08b034d4d – is a few years old now, it highlights the fact that it’s not just the odd fine ‘here or there’ that is incorrectly issued, there are all manner of reasons why a fine can be incorrectly issued, and in great numbers.

It also highlights the need for law enforcement to be handed back to actual police, with a real presence on our road, rather than being controlled by computers which, as we all know in this day and age, are subject to an endless number of flaws, faults and ‘glitches’. It also, of course, makes it clear that the government needs to go back to a system of issuing registration labels because their removal makes it all but impossible for motorists to know when their registration is actually due. The government claims that they removed rego labels to “save money”, yet they still send out the reminder notices – in most instances – so we fail to see how they are saving anything – instead, we believe that this borders on entrapment!

This article – https://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/34259766/have-you-been-unfairly-fined-million-dollar-refund-bill-after-sydney-speed-camera-bungle/#page1 – from Sydney, details that recent speed limit changes were not made clear and, therefore, thousands of drivers were wrongfully fined and lost demerit points. The government is now faced with cancelling 3,500 fines and refunding around $1 million! Be sure to pass that article onto to any friends, family and/or work colleagues that continue to spout the “if you don’t speed you have nothing to worry about” rubbish!

So, if you have received one of the millions of unjust and unlawful traffic fines that are issued each year, do not wait for the government to “realise their mistake” and withdraw it because, again, unless it is a high profile error like the ones reported on above, they will often not realise until you point out the error of their ways to them. And, you do that by using the relevant pre-written letter from the 25+ letters that we now have available in our e-book – “Speeding Fines, What You REALLY Need to Know” – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/

Remember, all the letters are already written for you, you just have to cut and paste your details into them and send them off. We’ve made it as simple as we possibly can for the average, every-day Aussie to successfully challenge their fines – just like the government tries to make it as easy as possible for you to blindly “pay up”. And, remember, as an e-book Member, not only do you get all powerful information in the e-book itself, plus all the letters, you also get 24/7 e-mail support and updates – all completely free – for life!

– Further proof that incorrect fines are issued and they have no correlation to the road toll

In addition to the articles in the section above, there was also a recent landmark court case in South Australia which, even the media admits, throws the validity of thousands of speeding fines into doubt.

The case was reported on by the ABC – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-02/speeding-fine-challenges-likely-after-landmark-sa-ruling-lawyer/7807582 – and the courts agreed that hand held devices are not as accurate as the police claim and they are also not calibrated correctly – something we have been teaching our members for 10 years now.

It was also reported on in Adelaide Now – https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/thousands-of-speeding-fines-thrown-into-doubt-after-supreme-court-questions-laser-gun-accuracy/news-story/921a8ff1fa3c63761ec845fcc83e4798 – where they quoted, “Legal experts say the ruling has significant ramifications for police handheld device used across Australia, urging motorists to challenge their fines in court.”

The most important element of this case is that the driver was not accused of doing 2 or 3 km/h above the limit but 52km/h more than the posted 50km/h zone. Clearly, a Supreme Court Judge is not going to allow someone to get off such a high range speeding offence if he genuinely believed he was going that fast, so it demonstrates just how completely inaccurate these devices really are.

There was even a special Channel 7 report on the case because it has such far-reaching consequences – https://www.facebook.com/SAAuthorityExpo/videos/894543250649799/

Sadly, despite all of this evidence regarding the inaccuracy of speed detection devices, the police and governments continue with their “cameras save lives” propaganda, and the like, and, as this article details – https://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/34250614/sydneys-new-mobile-speed-camera-locations-revealed/#page1 – speed cameras in Sydney are about to “pop up in 384 new locations to catch drivers by surprise and add to the staggering $103 million they raised in fines last year.”

How Mr Carlon, from the Centre for Road Safety, can sleep at night after getting on national TV and claiming that “80% of the community actually support the mobile speed camera program” is just beyond us – we certainly look forward to karma catching up with him publicly for his obvious and blatant lies!

Please keep in mind that the current road toll over the past 12 months in NSW has increased by some 13% despite more cameras being used than ever before. These figures can be confirmed via the NSW Transport website – www.roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/downloads/dynamic/nswroadtoll-daily.pdf

As one of our Members aptly puts in an article – https://speedcamerascam.com/2017/02/02/rip-off-fines-rising-road-tolls-rubbish-research-why-the-australian-obsession-with-speeding-enforcement-is-a-sick-joke/ – that he recently uploaded to his website – www.speedcamerascam.com – Australia’s obsession with speed enforcement is a sick joke!

This is an extremely detailed article that cites some important research conducted both here and overseas and we urge anyone who wants to learn the truth about speed and crashes to make the time to read through it.

– The insane ‘cash grab’ that is currently underway

So, given that the various State governments are clearly aware of the rising road toll in most States and they’re also obviously aware of the numerous flaws, faults and issues with many of the fines that have been sent out, do they choose to conduct a full investigation, to stop issuing fines until they can ensure that no more fines are incorrectly issued and take responsibility for their problems to date?

No, of course not! Instead, they blame motorists for choosing not to blindly pay their fines, they get the media to label completely innocent Aussie motorists as “fine dodgers” and then the governments send their enforcement goons out in droves to terrorise people and force them to hand over their hard earned money for fines that have never been to court – which, as we explain in our e-book, is completely contrary to section 8, sub-section 12 of the Imperial Acts Application Act.

And, as you will see from the following articles, they are doing all of this on a greater scale than ever before, to try and distract drivers from the truth about their incorrect and invalid fines and to deceive motorist about their rights.

This Channel 7 news report from QLD – https://www.scoopnest.com/user/7NewsQueensland/820912192090320897 – details the fact that the government there is now using SPER officers – they’re not even bothering to use actual Sheriff’s officers as they do in most other States – to illegally clamp cars to try and recover over $1 billion in unpaid fines. Whilst it is great to see that so many people have chosen not to blindly “pay up”, it is important to remember that you must actually challenge your fines, you can’t just ‘ignore’ them.

It’s fascinating to us that they continually refer to amounts owing on fines as a “debt”, but how did that so-called ‘debt’ arise? Who are these motorists ‘indebted’ to and what for? Remember, fines and penalties can only be issued by courts of competent jurisdiction so, since these fines have never even been before a court, let alone anyone being convicted of anything, how exactly do they justify any ‘debt’ existing???

Please also keep in mind that, pursuant to property law, the moment something is fitted to your vehicle – such as mag wheels, a stereo, or a wheel clamp – it becomes a fixture of that vehicle and becomes your property!

Then there’s this article from Victoria – https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/fine-dodgers-owe-more-than-18-billion-to-the-victorian-government/news-story/eeec8546ed09142f515819e98fdbddb5 – where the media blatantly claim that anyone who doesn’t blindly “pay up” as soon as they receive a fine must be a “fine dodger”.

What’s even worse is that the media clearly plays on people’s emotions by claiming that the money that motorists are refusing to blindly hand over to the government could have been used to build school, trains and hospitals. Hang on a minute, doesn’t the government claim that all the money raised from fines goes back into various purported “road safety” initiatives?

Furthermore, all those things are paid for out of ‘consolidated revenue’ and, if speed cameras really work the way the governments claim they do – by causing people to slow down – then they should not be budgeting any income from fines and, therefore, if they are claiming that they can’t build much needed schools, trains and hospitals, because people are not paying their fines, then something does not add up and the government is clearly incompetent and should be sacked!

Once again, it’s great to see that so many people are refusing to pay their fines but, again, it’s important to note that, as Sheriff Brendan Facey says, you cannot just ‘ignore’ your fines, you have to correctly challenge them to avoid having your car clamped or having your licence illegally suspended.

In fact, there’s so many people in Victoria now refusing to just blindly pay their fines that even a small rural newspaper, the Ballarat Courier, wrote an article on the $17 million that was owed by supposed “fine dodgers”, just in that one town alone – https://www.thecourier.com.au/story/4405314/drivers-rack-up-17m-in-unpaid-fines/

Then, there’s this article from South Australia – https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/more-than-13m-in-revenue-collected-from-speeding-drivers-in-south-australia-sitting-idle/news-story/cf04bdb114ec15c88c6eb5bd5b910900 – where it has been reported some $13 million that has bene recovered in outstanding fines is now sitting idle. It is not being directed into road safety initiatives and is not even being used to build school, trains or hospitals – as they claim could have been done in Victoria!

As Owen Godfrey, from the No Speed Cameras party clearly points out, “Trouble is, everyone knows what speed cameras are about and that’s raising money.’’ If you still don’t get the message, then we just don’t know what else we can say or do. And, if you do, please take action, by challenging your fines, and let’s put an end to this revenue raising madness!

– More advanced info is available from the Know Your Rights group

As we mentioned in our opening section, we are now working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses and, last year, we saw a significant increase in the number of people waking up to the truth and challenging their fines and we want to build on that in 2017.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – the recent Census, is a prime example – as are the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area. Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

They also run live events – their seminars and advanced workshops go into incredible detail about all of the topics noted above and they had some really great feedback from their events last year and, as a result, they are have already locked in their first few events for 2017 – in Perth, on the 18th & 19th of February, which is this weekend coming, then in Sydney on the 18th & 19th of March and then on the Gold Coast on the 1st & 2nd of April. They are also running a special 20% off Early Bird discount on their Sydney and Gold Coast events but only until this Wednesday,  the 15th of February. We definitely recommend attending those events if you have any true interest in learning about your rights and how to stand up for them.

You can find out exactly what they cover at those truly life-changing events via this link – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ – and also see what previous attendees have to say about them. If you’re in or around Perth, Sydney or the Gold Coast, make sure you get along those truly informative and powerful events because we promise you, you won’t regret it. And, if you’re in a different State, be sure to register your interest in them doing a live event in your area, by filling out the form on the right hand side of any of their web pages.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

And, as always, we have some new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines.

The first is a very short and sweet one from a Member in QLD who used our 3 step process to successfully have a matter withdrawn. Remember, just because you ‘elect’ to go to court, it does not mean that a matter will actually proceed to court.

Hi Guys,

On a happy note: My fine for another event did not eventuate despite summons to court.  The case was never processed by QPS

Best endorsement that the letters worked even though QPS threatened me to court by summons.


Amy – QLD.

Our second is another short one from a member who had 3 speed camera fines withdrawn in a matter of 3 weeks, using our information.

‘Morning my friends at the ASF,

My first win! I was happy to make you guys aware as they sent me a letter apologising and saying that the charges were withdrawn (3 multanova offences in as many weeks).

Best regards,

Andrew – S.A.

Then, we received this detailed e-mail from one our other Members in SA, who stuck to his guns, despite the extraordinary lengths the police went to, to terrorise him, and he walked away with no conviction, after having 3 out of 4 charges dropped.

Happy New Year to the ASF Team!

Quick update on some things happening in SA.

SAPOL are not always issuing summons to alleged “criminals”. A friend was fined $560 from the Magistrates court without receiving any summons at all! He’s had a rehearing and now a pre-trial conference is set for next week.

On November 21, I was picking up my son from his work in his car. Travelling home, we had an unmarked car follow us and park across my driveway. 3 officers hopped out and started walking towards me as I got out of the car.

My first words were: “I hereby revoke the common law license permitting you to enter my property. You are now trespassing and I require you to leave the property”. The officers stepped back beyond the mail box and 1 asked for my drivers license and particulars.

My response: “Can anything I say or present to you be used against me in a court of law”?

The answer: “yes”

My response: “The I reserve my right to remain silent. Now are you going to retaliate against me for exercising my rights to silence and thereby damage me either physically, emotionally or mentally”?

The response: “lets just arrest him”

I had the 3 officers press me up against the back of the car and handcuff me. I was taken to Elizabeth Police Station and charged with driving unregistered, driving uninsured, refusing to provide particulars.

At the interview I was questioned about my particulars and I quoted Hamilton v DPP, Justice Stephen Kaye’s statement re common law and no requirement for a man to provide any information unless under arrest. The officer replied “well this is South Australia” so I asked if it was his claim that South Australia did not have common law. Silence.

Then they produced a warrant for a court date I had no idea about and had never received a summons for. The warrant stated I was not to be given bail so I was held overnight and given bail the next morning.

Yesterday was my pre-trial conference. The police prosecutor came out and handed me their brief of evidence. He was also holding my affidavits from last year. He asked if I was going to challenge all the charges to which I replied “absolutely”.

He sat down and said “if you plead guilty to the drive while suspended I’ll recommend the minimum fine”. I replied I need no conviction against me as that will affect my ability to work in the banking industry. He said we could ask the magistrate.

As usual, I was the last to be heard, prosecutor told the mag about dropping the first 3 charges and only 1 charge to be heard with minimal fine and if possible no conviction. Mag questioned me and asked why no conviction so I explained about work.

Mag then made his decision: Fine $100. No court costs. No conviction. Have a nice day.

Very very happy!

Next week I’m in pre-trial conference at the court where the “warrant” was issued. I’ve requested to inspect the court file prior to that date and now waiting on a response.

Sorry for the long email but thought I should keep you updated. Must confess I’ve never seen a prosecutor drop so many charges in 1 hit without being asked to.


Wayne – S.A.

And, finally, we have an extremely detailed e-mail from a Member who managed to ultimately come out ahead after a speeding fine case dragged on for some 3 years and he was eventually awarded more in costs than he was ultimately required to pay, with no conviction.


This is an update on my testimonial (lengthy) I wrote to you some time ago regarding a speeding fine that was dismissed on the grounds that the case exceeded the limitations period.

After the magistrate dismissed the original speeding matter on the grounds of the matter exceeding the limitations period the QPS lodged an appeal to the DC in QLD. I was not told or notified of this until receipt of a letter from the QLD DC demanding I respond to the appellant’s claims which by then was 6 months past the due date. Clearly, the bureaucracy has no limits.

Having submitted my defence, I attended court on the hearing date. The magistrate and the court house had different hearing times and I was an hour late. The magistrate apologised for her mistake even though I found out they were going to issue an arrest warrant.

The prosecution claimed that my defence was not in the prescribed manner and therefore I could not present my evidence for defence in court. I told the magistrate what were the grounds of the objection. The magistrate answered on behalf of the prosecution and I pointed out to her that the objection was incorrect because I had stated very clearly in writing what my objection was and referred to the page and paragraph in my submission. Obviously, it appears that the magistrate had not carefully and dutifully read my defence and simply relied upon the reams of paperwork the prosecution was handing the magistrate in court. Again, the magistrate apologised. The system is definitely designed against defendants for traffic offences.

The magistrate then began to read the paperwork handed up by the prosecution more carefully and pointed out some discrepancies. She also noted that the matter was appealed in the DC in favour of the QPS – IE my original win was overturned. However, I asked the DC judge to refer the matter back to the magistrates court as I had not as yet presented my defence for the alleged speeding fine. The DC ruling was on a matter of law not a full hearing of the speeding case. The magistrate thought this to be really strange. I must say even though I lost the DC appeal case the judge appeared to be on my side to the extent that he gave his own personal experience with receiving a traffic fine and SPER action and understood my “frustration” with the system as it is. Please note, the judge did not ask me to reimburse the $550 the QPS paid for my costs in the original magistrate’s decision. THE DC judge warned the prosecution that not seeking reimbursement would be a good idea. They complied.

The magistrate told me how I should have proceeded with the current hearing for her to dismiss the case – interesting. However, since I did not do that she had difficulty on how to run the case since if I win she was sure the QPS would appeal again. The magistrate clearly identified the enormous cost of this case already.

The magistrate asked if I agreed to proceed with my defence on the basis of the irregularities she identified in the prosecution’s paperwork just handed up to her. I refused because I wanted to test the ASF arguments. She asked me what these were and I referred her back to my defence document on the court file as required under TORUM. She immediately said I would not win on the basis of NMA since the QLD appeals court have already made a judgement on this in Crabbe v QPS (2013) and the prosecution would be relying upon this. I said I had opposing cases from superior courts that says otherwise. The magistrate ignored this comment.

The above and other general discussion ensured until the magistrate said if I accepted to pay the court levy costs ($117 from memory) she would dismiss the case without recording a conviction. I accepted since the hearing had now gone on for 3 hours and I could see the magistrate was getting rather uncomfortable with what my arguments were going to be.

Prior to accepting the offer, I stated that I had a number of questions I wished to ask the court before proceeding with my defence since I was not a lawyer and was defending myself. The first question I asked the magistrate was whether I was entitled to a fair trial under Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Act (cth) 1986. The magistrate said she thought that would be a very interesting approach knowing that for traffic offences you are guilty until proven innocent in most States.

I said that these arguments and my questions will take considerable court time if we were to proceed. The magistrate stated that she would be prepared to sit for as long as it took if I chose to do so. Unfortunately, it was now well into the early afternoon and I had a golf game booked which was more important than this ridiculous court case

I accepted the magistrate’s offer and she immediately made her ruling and bolted before I could change my mind.

Sorry, about the length of this email however there are some important points and judge/magistrate reflections/insights that ASF members may find helpful.

This matter commenced in 2012 and finalised in late 2015 after 5 court appearances, 2 magistrates hearings and an appeal the cost of which far exceeded the original traffic offence of $133.00 as noted by the magistrate.

QLD – Ed

Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to five full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies and techniques for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/19117918208/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/find-friends/browser/?rpix=1#!/pages/Aussie-Speeding-Fines/433275636708829 – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,

4 January 2017
Happy New Year – some big changes coming in 2017!

– Intro

First and foremost, we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.

We trust that you enjoyed your Christmas break with family and friends and we hope that 2017 is your best year yet.

Unfortunately, a number of people have already e-mailed us with details of why their new year is not off to a great start, after receiving a ridiculous, unjust and/or unlawful fine in the mail, or whilst they were away on break. Whilst this is upsetting to read, it reminds us that now, more than ever, Aussie motorists need the information in our truly licence-saving e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/

We are committed to building on the success that many of our Members had in 2016 and we look forward to posting more testimonials in 2017 than we have in any other single year before. And, to help achieve that outcome, we will be updating our website and our information this year to make sure that all of our members have the most up-to-date, tried and tested information that is currently available.

As many of you know, we have been working closely with the Know Your Rights group – as well as some other new groups, as you will see from the sections below – and we will continue doing so in 2017.  We are happy to report that we have already been sent some very powerful new court cases and case precedents that our Members can rely on and we will be uploading those to our Advanced Membership area in the coming days – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/advanced-membership//

Unfortunately, as you will also see from the sections below, the road toll has continued to increase in many States around the country – despite the insane number of fines that have been issued, many for very trivial, low level speeding offences. Accordingly, it is our aim to release an open letter to the various State Police Forces, Police Ministers and Ministers for Roads to put an end to this insanity. So, please be sure to keep an eye out for that, give us your full support when it happens and spread that open letter around to as many people as possible, so that we can ensure that 2017 is the year that we truly bring about some real change.

In any event, as we close in our 10 year anniversary – in May this year – we want you to know that we are more committed than ever before to bring about some of the vital, truly life-saving strategies that we have on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/ – and to ensure that there is an actual reduction of the road toll across the board this year – as well as a significant reduction in the insane amount of revenue that is raised by our governments, under the completely false and misleading guise of “road safety”.

So, let’s look at how we hope to achieve that in 2017….

Record high road tolls in many States

As we mentioned in our final e-mail update for 2016, many States were facing record high road tolls for the year. Unfortunately, that prediction was true in many States and the figures for 2016 are now in.

Starting off in Victoria – where the police have issued more fines than any other State, and have the lowest tolerances for speeding fines – you can quickly see that none of their over-active revenue raising strategies have had any bearing on the road toll, which has, once again increased! This website – https://www.tac.vic.gov.au/road-safety/statistics/lives-lost-rolling-12-month – shows that the current rolling 12 month data for “lives lost” is up by 15%!

And this article – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-02/wa-road-toll-blamed-on-state-government-by-opposition/8157908 – from WA, details the fact that the 2016 road toll in WA was the highest in six years!  We find it incredible that, on the very rare occasion that the road toll actually reduces, they shout from the rooftops that it’s all as a result of their “road safety initiatives”, but, when the road toll continues to rise, it’s all the motorist’s fault and they are “responsible for it” – such disgusting, offensive, double standards!!!

It’s a similar story in NSW, where this website – https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/downloads/dynamic/nsw-road-toll-daily.pdf – shows the 12 month rolling data on lives lost has increased by 10%! The 2nd graph on that page also shows a steady increase in the rolling road toll since about March 2015 – since when, coincidentally, they have installed more speed cameras than in similar previous periods.

And, finally, in QLD, this page – https://www.webcrash.transport.qld.gov.au/webcrash2/external/daupage/weekly/roadsense.pdf – shows a steady increase in fatalities since 2014 and a further rise since 2015, all of which occurred in the same time as the QLD Government, in their infinite wisdom, also decided to reduce tolerances for the issuing of speeding fines in that State.

When are people going to understand that fines exist purely to raise revenue and have absolutely no bearing on reducing the road toll at all? We note that the figures aren’t yet in for the other States and territories for the full year but we dare say that they will show fairly similar results in most cases.

Please, if you want to get your head around the strategies that need to be implemented that will truly reduce the road toll, then have a read over our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/ – and also the first chapter of our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – which you can order here – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/

– New groups we’re getting involved with

As we noted in the opening section of this e-mail, we are working with some new groups this year to help expand our field of influence and make people, that might not otherwise hear about us, aware of the incredible information in our licence-saving e-book – “Speeding Fines, What You REALLY Need to Know!” And, in turn, we would encourage our Members to check out some of the following websites that they too, may not have previously been aware of.

The first one of those groups is CARR – https://www.carr.org.au/ – which stands for the Campaign Against Road Ripoffs.  Ziggy, who runs the group, shares many of our beliefs about the current system of blatant revenue raising and he has been interviewed on both radio and TV. You can subscribe to their newsletters and look through their various web pages – all of which contain some great info. They also have a great little section on various ‘ripoffs and scams’, which is also a great read.

And, speaking of which, one of our Members has also set up another great website call The Speed Camera Scam – https://speedcamerascam.com This website is only very new but it already has some really great media articles on it and, again, it is well worth reading if you want to learn the truth about the current system of blatant revenue raising and corruption.

And, we also want to mention another website that one of our founding Members set up – https://banksecretsrevealed.com.au/ – and, although this doesn’t have anything to do with traffic fines, it does contain some really great info on the banks and the fraud that they commit. They also have a fantastic, informative e-book – similar to ours – that shows you, step-by-step, how to successfully challenge the banks on any un-secured loan.

So, if you are struggling financially or have mounting credit card debt or, if you just want to learn the truth about the banks and how they control us through debt, then we highly recommend their e-book.  They are actually running a 20% off New Year promotion at the moment so be sure to take advantage of that if you want to help eliminate some financial stress this coming year.

We will, of course be working very closely with the Know Your Rights group again this year and you can find out more about what they are doing in 2017, plus find the details of their next live events, in the section below.

And, if you would like to join us as a sponsor or, if you have your own website that you would like to promote us on – and earn a commission for doing so – or you have a large database you can tap into, be sure to join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – and earn a full 33% commission on everyone you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

– More advanced info is available from the Know Your Rights group

As we detailed in the sections above, we are now working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses and, last year, we saw a significant increase in the number of people waking up to the truth and challenging their fines and we want to build on that in 2017.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – the recent Census, is a prime example – as are the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area. Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

They also run live events – their seminars and advanced workshops go into incredible detail about all of the topics noted above and they had some really great feedback from their events last year and, as a result, they are have already locked in their first few events for 2017 – in Adelaide on the 4th & 5th of February and, in Perth, on the 18th & 19th of February. We definitely recommend attending those events if you have any true interest in learning about your rights and how to stand up for them.

You can find out exactly what they cover at those truly life-changing events via this link – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ – and also see what previous attendees have to say about them. If you’re in or around Adelaide or Perth in February next year, make sure you get along those truly informative and powerful events because we promise you, you won’t regret it. And, if you’re in a different State, be sure to register your interest in them doing a live event in your area, by filling out the form on the right hand side of any of their web pages.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As we’re only a few days into the New Year, we haven’t received any new testimonials yet but please be sure to check out the five full pages of testimonials – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/– that we have on our website from our Members over the previous 10 years that we have been operating!

As we noted in our opening section, we look forward to uploading more testimonials this year than ever before!

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies and techniques for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/19117918208/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/find-friends/browser/?rpix=1#!/pages/Aussie-Speeding-Fines/433275636708829 – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any wesites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,