2018 – News & Updates

9 December 2018

HUGE update with VITAL information for ALL motorists!

– Intro

Yes, we know, it seems like ‘forever’ since we last sent you an e-mail update – it was actually just over 2 months ago – but a lot has happened in that time.

One of the things that has happened is that people are getting well and truly fed up with the ridiculous number of unjust and unlawful fines being issued now and our member base is growing enormously.

Unfortunately, what that also means is that so is our workload – we actually receive 350+ e-mails a day, 7 days a week now – which is why it has taken us so long to find the time to write this update!

In any event, it’s here now and it is huge! Every motorist in the country needs to read this update because the information in it is just that powerful so please be sure to pass it onto others who may not have seen it.

So, without further ado, let’s get straight into it …

Major breakthrough against speeding fines

The most important story that we have to share with everyone this month is the fact that NSW Police have been forced to withdraw all of their laser speed guns from service!

Yes, you read that correctly, as a direct result of a number of our members successfully challenging numerous fines from hand held laser guns, the police have now been forced to stop using laser guns and have had to withdraw 125 prosecutions against motorists.

You can read more about this ‘extraordinary’ Aussie Speeding Fines breakthrough in this ABC news story – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-29/sa-police-take-lidar-speed-device-off-the-streets/10567084

You will note, with interest, that the story details that the issues were first raised 2 years ago – when one of our Members first started challenging these devices – and, as the media reported on the challenge at the time, we passed that onto our Members, and more followed suit and now, after 2 years, this is the amazing result we have all achieved together.

The stupid thing is that the response from the government is simply to ‘change the legislation’ but, as we explain in our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – a change to legislation that was unlawful to begin with is not going to assist them in any way.

And, of course, the exact same issues that apply to the laser devices also apply to all other devices – despite what they say in the article – and, indeed, they equally apply to all other devices in all other States as well.

We urge any of you who missed the original stories to go back through our News/Updates pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/news-updates/ – and read them and then be sure to download the original Police v Butcher Supreme Court case from the Downloads page of our Advanced Membership website – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/advanced-membership/ And remember, because it’s a Supreme Court ruling, it can be used in every State and territory of Australia.

Every motorist should also watch this powerful Channel 7 news report – https://au.news.yahoo.com/hundreds-speeding-tickets-set-overturned-205431139.html – which explains the whole situation in even further detail.

– Victorians are getting hammered worse than ever before

After reading the section above you could be excused for thinking that South Australian drivers were being screwed over more than drivers in other States but, as you’ll quickly see in this section, Victorian motorists easily take out the top award for those getting completely, unfairly and unjustly shafted by their State government.

As this article details – https://www.whichcar.com.au/news/victorian-speeding-penalties-become-even-harsher?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MOTOR_18_11_06&utm_term=list_motor_newsletter&fbclid=IwAR2pcDbQK2L0BrPSLtdFT6sDVp67xDlJPdYTGxM0j2NNWA8ftEq3zjYnE3Y – the Victorian government has now introduced even harsher penalties for absolutely no reason other than line their coffers even more than they are currently doing.

Despite the international studies that we provide by way of the Crash Statistics table on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/ – the Victorian Government insists on blatantly lying to motorists by claiming that ‘speed is one of the biggest factors causing death’, despite it only being “a” factor – not even “the” factor – in just five percent of accidents.

It wasn’t long ago in Victoria that you had to be doing at least 30 km/h above the posted limit before you would lose your licence. Numerous speed limits were then artificially and arbitrarily reduced on many major roads, which had the obvious effect of deliberately causing people to exceed the posted ‘speed limit’ and now, if you are doing just 20km/h over the ‘limit’ on an open road, you will lose your licence.

When getting your head around these changes, please be sure keep in mind the article written by the guy who was driving perfectly safely, and legally, at 312 km/h on similar roads and “didn’t die” – his words – in the Let’s keep things in perspective section further down this e-mail.

But, it gets even worse for Victorian motorists because the police and governments seem to completely ignore the legal principles set by the courts, which dictate that “driving is a right not a privilege” and, if you are caught driving whilst unlicensed or disqualified, which the courts have already ruled that the States “cannot prohibit or permit at will” – see the Thompson v Smith reference in our e-book – you now face completely absurd fines up to $9,500 and $38,000 respectively.

And, what makes this article even worse is that it comes on the back of this article  – https://www.whichcar.com.au/news/victorians-pay-almost-1m-a-day-in-speeding-fines – which shows that, even with the current fines system, Victorian motorists are paying almost $1 million a day in speeding fines alone!!!

The author ‘boasts’ how the “most lucrative camera in the State – and country – fined 35,075 motorists to the tune of $8.4 million”. Well, here’s a ‘newsflash’ for you, if that many motorists are exceeding the speed limit then it is obvious to even a blind man that the limit is clearly set way too low on that section of road! And, any purported “law” that says otherwise is clearly an unjust and unlawful law that exists purely to ‘raise revenue’ and does not exist for the “Peace, order and good government of the people”, as they are supposed to.

Victoria is, by far and away, the most ‘nanny’ state to live in, although, as you will see in the following section, the QLD government is hell bent on catching up as quickly as they can!

But wait, it gets even worse though. Obviously, the Victorian government have realised what a great cash cow these fines are and, given the insane increase in the amount they are now charging for each fine, they can’t put them up any higher so all they can do is arbitrarily reduce the speed limits even further, to catch out even more motorists – which, of course, is exactly what they are doing.

In fact, to such a ridiculous degree that, as this article details – https://www.motoring.com.au/melbourne-council-slashes-speed-limit-114030/ – one council has slashed the speed limit to absurdly inappropriate and unrealistic 30 km/h!

They claim that it is far too dangerous for motorists to travel at the ‘excessive’ speed of just 40 km/h so they’ve had to reduce speeds even further, to just 30 km/h – seriously, What The??? They argue that a pedestrian or cyclist is twice as likely to survive an impact at 30 km/h than they are at 40 km/h, which could well be true but who the hell cares??? How about we just teach pedestrians and cyclists to stay off the road and/or out of the way of vehicles! A wild and completely crazy idea, we know.

The only thing that makes any sense in that entire article, is the closing line, where the RACV spokesperson states that the money would be far better spent improving high speed country roads.

And, if you still haven’t connected the dots in regards to how dangerous it is to continually artificially reduce speed limits, have a look at what happened in NSW after they brought in a new 40km/h speed limit when passing emergency vehicles – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6191679/Shocking-moment-change-law-causes-massive-crash-catch-too.html

Please make sure you understand the specifics here, a driver was pulled over for doing absolutely nothing wrong – he simply took ‘too long’ to overtake, according to the officer who was obviously having a slow revenue raising day. As a result of that, combined with the new revenue raising legislation that you have to slow down to 40 km/h when a police officer has broken the law by declaring a false emergency, by activating his lights and sirens – yes, that’s true, look it up – they actually caused the very thing they’re claiming to try and stop – a serious accident!

And, as if all of that wasn’t enough, before we finish this section, we still have one more article to share with you. Reducing the speed limits and charging more for fines is a great system to raise more revenue but, at least for the Victorian government, that’s still not enough. So, they have brought in new laws – such as not touching your phone, even when completely stationary at the lights. And, to ensure that they raise as much revenue from these new laws as they possibly can, they have stooped to unheard of lows, by posing as fake windscreen washers to catch people. Don’t believe us? Then read this article – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6381885/Police-pretending-windscreen-cleaners-catch-drivers-using-mobile-phones.html

Now, we totally agree that motorists should not be using their phones whilst actually driving because distracted drivers are, indeed, dangerous and we would be all for a campaign to “target distracted drivers” if they were actually driving but this “sting” only targeted drivers who were stationary at the lights, not actually driving!!! How was this ‘operation’ possibly going to ‘save anyone’s life’?? The best it could possibly achieve is to ensure that people were focussed at the lights and hopefully took off as soon as the light went green – a personal bugbear of ours. At worst, it would have caused those who noticed the undercover officers to wait until they had driven past them, and they were actually ‘driving’ to reach for their phones then, when it most assuredly was dangerous.

– Fines in other States

As we referenced in the section above, the QLD government is clearly feeling ‘left out’ by all the money that the Victorian government is raking in from unjust and unlawful fines so they have decided to learn from the ‘nanny state’ and bring in more speed cameras across the board.

As this article details – https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/queensland-speeding-fine-revenue-to-increase-by-47-per-cent-20181012-p509dl.html – QLD speeding fines revenue is now set to increase by almost 50% as a result!

The article explains that, in an unprecedented move to raise as much revenue as possible, the QLD government has: approved an increase in the number of mobile speed camera hours, the installation of additional point-to-point cameras and new red light and speed cameras and the upgrade of red light cameras o red light and speed cameras.

Things, of course, go completely ‘off the rails’ in this article when they start making absolutely baseless and factually incorrect claims. They start by saying that “analysis identifies sites of greater risk, not revenue streams” yet that is blatantly false.

They go on to claim that “all revenue raised from camera detected offences ‘had’ to be used for road safety projects”. They went on to say that, “We make no apologies for speed cameras being used in Queensland because they save lives” yet the road toll report – which you can download via the Weekly QLD Road Toll Report link at the top of this page https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Safety/Transport-and-road-statistics/Road-safety-statistics.aspx  – at the time of writing this e-mail, shows that the road toll to date was exactly  the same this year as last year and is, in fact, one higher than the previous year so, again, that statement is blatantly false!

And then, of course, the biggest lie of them all, “It’s simple. If you don’t speed, you won’t be fined.” Well, apart from our entire opening section proving that to be false, what about the stories in the media every day about flawed and faulty speed detection devices. There’s also another great article, by an actual insurance company, in the Let’s keep things in perspective section of this e-mail, that also details just how many faults and flaws there are with cameras, right around the country.

And what about the 6 pages full of testimonials on our website – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – proving that people have, indeed, been fined when they were not speeding – or supposedly committing other traffic ‘offences’ – and, thanks to the information in our e-book, they were able to successfully challenge those fines, keep their hard-earned money in their pockets, as well as keeping their demerit points and their licences safe.

It seems as though that is still not enough for the QLD government though and, again, they have learned from their Victorian counterparts and created a new, completely absurd set of fines for pedestrians who use their phone whilst walking.

Yes, you read that correctly and, surely by now you should know that we don’t just make this stuff up but, just in case you still doubt us, check out this article – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6435653/New-push-slap-pedestrians-200-fines-using-phones-crossing-road.html

As the article explains, you can now cop a $200 fine for using your phone while you’re walking! Now, we totally understand where they are coming from but is not the government’s job to regulate and control us to the Nth degree. It is also not their job to keep us safe either – if people want to be stupid enough to use a phone before, or rather than, looking when they cross the road then let the ‘Theory of Evolution’ do its work and weed out the idiots!

That’s out two cents worth anyway.

– Parking fine issues in NSW

In all of the sections we’ve covered up til now, there could, at least, be ‘some’ argument that some of the enforcement might have ‘something’ to do with ‘safety’ to ‘some’ degree, at least in ‘some’ circumstances. However, when it comes to parking fines, there can, of course, be no such argument at all, it is purely, 100% about revenue raising, period.

So, do you want the good news or the bad news?

Well, we try and stay positive here at ASF so we’ll start with the good news. First up, as this article covers – https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/parramatta-council-crayon-chalk-parking-fines-20181026-p50c4k.html – it looks like there’s a chance that the Parramatta Council might have to repay $2 million worth of ill-gotten gains because they were using crayons instead of chalk to mark motorist’s tyres.

Yes, like many other articles we have covered this month, it sounds absurd but it’s completely true. A legal loophole may just end up causing them some grief so we’ll definitely keep an eye on this story and let everyone know of any developments.

Unfortunately, the ‘bad news’ is considerably worse than the ‘good’ news is positive because, as this article details – https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/motoring/on-the-road/parking-inspectors-given-the-power-to-hand-out-demerit-points/news-story/0543a16ec2a3722ede0c646929520450 – it seems as though parking inspectors across NSW are about to be given powers to impose demerit points for parking offences, as well as fines.

Now, straight away, anyone who has read our e-book can see a problem with any entity, let alone a corporation – which is what all councils are – issuing two kinds of punishment – ie. A monetary fine and a loss of demerit points. Furthermore, as we also explain in our e-book, only a Court can lawfully impose a penalty, so a council certainly doesn’t qualify and, finally, since when was a council officer a duly authorised judicial officer for the purposes of issuing penalties?

Now the problem is, of course, is that the average motorist, who doesn’t have our e-book, doesn’t know this information and will suffer significant consequences as a result of this new, completely unlawful, legislation if they receive a parking fine, which is clearly not a ‘crime’ because there is no ‘victim, and, therefore, there is no ‘just cause’ for any punishment.

– Let’s keep things in perspective

There has obviously been a lot of talk about fines in this update and, specifically, a lot of focus on speeding fines. So, we wanted to ensure that everyone kept everything in perspective and had a few ‘facts’ at their disposal.

Firstly, we all know people – friends or family members – that still believe that “if you got a fine, you must have done something wrong”. Well, as this article – https://www.allianz.com.au/car-insurance/news/caught-speeding-sometimes-the-camera-lies  – from the well-known insurance company Allianz Insurance explains, that is actually not the case at all – which, of course, is what we have been telling motorists for over a decade now.

In fact, the opening line of their article refers to the fact that many speed cameras are, indeed, faulty. They start by explaining a situation where 380 Sydney motorists were incorrectly fiend due to a faulty fixed speed camera. They follow that up with a similar reference to another group of speed cameras in Spit Hill.

They go on to cover the story of a faulty red light camera in Geelong, in Victoria, which was incorrectly fining motorists for two years! They also reference other similarly faulty red light cameras at other locations.

They round out their article by referring to 5 other media articles that all deal with faulty speed and/or red light cameras in just one year. As a result, they also reference numerous articles on how to challenge your fines but, of course, the absolute best way to challenge and unjust and unlawful fine, to give you the absolute best chance of success, is to use the information contained in our comprehensive, 85-page e-book, “Speeding Fines, What You REALLY Need to Know!” https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/

Then, there’s this article – https://www.caradvice.com.au/317208/i-drove-312kmh-on-a-public-road-didnt-die/ – from a motoring journalist who, in a single article, reinforces much of what we have bene saying for the past 11 and a half years – ‘speed’ has almost nothing to do with accidents!

His article is entitled, “I drove 312 km/h on a public road and I didn’t die” and we referenced it in our Victorians are getting hammered worse than ever before section, after the Victorian government claimed that the absolute maximum ‘safe speed’ to do on an open highway is a mere 110 km/h!

The article opens with the media propaganda hat we hear every day and then proceeds to completely destroy the myths about ‘speed’ and ‘safety’. He ultimately details how he hit 312 km/h, in the rain, completely safely, on an open highway in Germany. Somehow, magically, according to our government, if he had done that here, he would have been dead 3 times over or more! Importantly, he also explains that, even on the sections of open highway that do have set speed limits, the enforcement of those ’limits’ is infinitely more relaxed than the system of Nazi enforcement that we have here – yet he’s in Germany and we’re in Australia – go figure!

He completes his story by giving actual, factual figures of the true road toll in Australia compared to Germany and shows that despite the insane level of ‘speed enforcement’ that we suffer here, compared to Germany, ‘speed’ is most assuredly not the ‘big killer’ the authorities here would have you believe it is.

And, finally, we’ll finish things off in Europe, where, in France especially, motorists are protesting against speed cameras in a huge way and costing the government hundreds of millions of dollars. As this article details – https://www.thenewspaper.com/news/65/6594.asp  – Aussies could learn a lot from the French motorists when it comes to standing up for themselves and fighting back against government corruption and blatant revenue raising.

Another similar article – https://www.thenewspaper.com/news/65/6598.asp – explains how the French have banded together and taken out 600 cameras – about 1/5 of all fixed cameras in the country – and, as a result, cost the government around $200 million so far, and their protests are continuing. We definitely need that kind of concerted, collective, committed action here in Australia!

It’s funny that Australia actually gets a mention at the very end of the article after a speed camera completely failed to “prevent a massive accident” on the Sunshine Coast, in QLD – the very place they are going to install more speed cameras!

It’s high time that, as we explain on our Petition to Remove Cameras page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/petition-to-remove-cameras/ – we put an end to this insane revenue raising madness and, one way or the other, shut down or have all  speed and red light cameras removed from service in this country.

– Know Your Rights group and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area.

Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

They have also asked us to let all our Members know that they are running a special 20% off Christmas promotion on all their physical products, but only until the 16th of December so please go straight to their Products page to find out the full details and take advantage of that great offer.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

They are also working very closely with Senator Culleton – https://www.rodneyculleton.com.au/ – who was instrumental in exposing the Government’s unlawful removal of any reference to The Queen from the High Court rules. He is back in the High Court on Monday and is another step closer to being re-instated to his lawful position as a Federal Senator.

He is working closely with the Know Your Rights group to get the newly-formed Great Australian political party – https://www.thegreataustralianparty.com.au/ – up and running and we urge you to join up as a Member of that party, if you are serious about bringing about true change in this country.

The Know Your Rights group are also working closely with Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day.

You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more. Given all the information that is now coming out as a result of the royal commission into banking, this is the perfect time to find out the truth about the banks and how you can fight back against them.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories.

The first is from a Member who used our 3 step process to successfully have a private parking fine reduced to just $10, which he then also went onto challenge and did not pay. Below is a copy that he got from the parking company after sending our 3 step process letters to them.

Hi Brett,

Secure Parking operates car parks like this one for owners. Owners normally include adjacent businesses who offer parking as a service to customers.

The car park is private land and owners have the right to decide who may park there. As you would expect, owners are keen to ensure that parkers are genuine customers.

If parking spaces are full because other people choose to park for free or for extended periods the businesses would suffer.

Parkers are therefore only invited to enter and park on the basis of the terms and conditions which are displayed. Secure takes care to ensure that these terms are clear and prominent. Secure is confident that parkers should be in no doubt that by entering the car park they are entering into an agreement.

The agreement provides that if the vehicle overstays the parker is liable for breaching the terms. This is all clear from the terms and it is a legal contract.

As your vehicle was first sighted at 12.00 and again at 15.32 this exceeded the permitted time limit.”

We stress that these arrangements are in place to protect the businesses who work with Secure.

They are also there for the convenience of genuine customers.

Please note all parkers have the ability to appeal a breach notice via our website or in writing which you choose not to do when you received the breach notice on 22nd December 2017. (supporting evidence below)

We have a fair and equitable appeals process, which would have resolved this far sooner.

We have reviewed your breach notice and even though you have clearly breached the terms and conditions of the car park we are willing to accept $10.00 for full settlement.

Should you have any queries please contact us directly via email info@tmsau.com.au or phone 1800 467 241.

Kind Regards


Traffic Monitoring Services Pty Ltd.

The second is from a Member who challenged an incredible six unjust and unlawful toll fines and had them all withdrawn!

Hi Guys,

Some good news for a change!!

Got home today and I had 6 withdraws notices for eTag fines.

The Aussie speeding fines process works! 

I modified your letters slightly from my experience and studies, with you guys, CLRG, and some outstanding individuals.

The key take away is IT DOES WORK!!!!

I still have a ton more, and I might be gloating a bit early but at least I’ve had 6 wins….in arrow. Just getting started.

Long live our constitution 😊


Laz Vic.

The next is from a Member who took a parking fine to curt and, because he had done the study and read the rules properly, he was able to present an argument that get him off with no fine and no conviction.

Hi guys,

I attended magistrates court on a parking fine today. I parked in a ticketed 4 hr parking and payed for the first 4 hours then paid for the 2nd four hours.  The council alleged I overstayed my parking under road rule 205. I explained to the Magistrate road rule 205 did not apply because 205 is about permissive parking bays which are non-ticketed.  I told the magistrate only road rule 207 applied which is a permissive sign with ticket. I told the Magistrate, why is it that the council cannot get their paperwork correct and also if I was to be charged then it would be road rule 207 even though I know I have not broken the road rule.

The Magistrate I could tell knew that this was a good case and offered that if I plead guilty considering it was the mention then she would dismiss the case and allow me to leave. I pleaded guilty not wanting to re attend court once more and paid no fine or cost.

If I had the time I would have went to court and I knew from the Magistrates actions that I would win more likely and it would be a precedent and that all others who been fined in a similar manner would need to be compensated. 



P.S. Happy for you to share this with you members.

Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and actual paperwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have almost 7,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,

20 September 2018

A short and sweet update for once!

– Intro

Many of you will, no doubt, be very glad to hear that this month’s e-mail update is going to be considerably shorter than most.

The reality is that we just haven’t received that many media articles or reports from members and it appears as though people are either too busy fighting their fines – which is great – or everyone’s just fallen asleep – let’s hope it’s not the latter.

In any event, here’s the latest info for everyone ….

Speed Kills

For years we have been telling our Members that speed does not kill and “wiping off 5” will not save lives.

Well, it appears as though we may have been wrong all this time! Well, to a degree anyway.

What actually seems to be the case is that, just like the road rules – and all other legislation, for that matter – it actually only applies to those who work for those particular entities and not the general public.

As this article – https://www.news.com.au/news/horse-owner-sues-cops-over-wifes-near-fatal-crash/news-story/553ece868f797277a275dccde8001b3c – clearly shows, ‘speed” is definitely a problem for police though!

Not only have they written off someone’s car and put them in a coma because they were exceeding the speed limit for an absolutely minor reason but now they have a very wealthy family suing them! Bring it on we say – as Mr Vieira correctly stated, “The only way to teach them a lesson is to make them hurt,” and the best way to make them hurt is financially.

This is, of course, precisely why we should all be fighting every unjust and unlawful fine we receive – to make them ‘hurt’ and to keep them ‘hurting’!

– The latest crazy government ideas

It appears as though the government of this ‘fine’ country – pun intended – continue to spout the mantra that “Speed Kills” though so, naturally, their latest response is to reduce the speed limits event further – after all, how are they going to raise more of the revenue that they have grown dependent on now if they don’t.

As this article – https://www.motoring.com.au/melbourne-council-slashes-speed-limit-114030/ – explains, the Yarra Council, in Victoria, wants to slash the speed limit to just 30km/h because they are concerned about the safety of pedestrians. Now, here’s a wild and crazy thought, how about you teach pedestrians to watch out for cars and not step out in front of them rather than punishing innocent motorists for the stupidity of others!!!

Seriously, if anyone genuinely believes that this is about ‘safety’ then they must have rocks in their heads – this is all about revenue raising, plain and simple. After all, if it wasn’t then they would be increasing the speed in other areas – such as highways and freeways, where there were no pedestrians – to compensate for the reduction in speed in the built up areas, as is suggested by the closing line of the article.

– Better ways to reduce the road toll

There are, of course, much better ways to reduce the road toll and this article – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/09/city-replaced-corrupt-cops-with-mimes-who-lowered-traffic-fatalities-far-better-than-tickets.html – details just one creative way that has achieved dramatic results.

The article explains how most countries in the world, including right here in Australia, “continue to double-down on their outdated and ineffective strategies, mostly involving extortion, which has done nothing to improve road safety.”

Conversely, the Mayor of Bogota sacked all the cops and brought in mimes to “applaud good drivers and mock bad ones”. And what was the result of such a radical plan? As the article spells out, “Surprisingly, the city saw a 50 percent drop in traffic fatalities, less congestion, and an overall better culture of driving.” Not surprisingly, this concept of ‘rewarding’ good drivers and only punishing ‘bad drivers’ is exactly what we have been recommending for over 10 years now on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/

Of course, the chances of it taking off here in Australia are next to zero because the various State governments couldn’t handle the enormous drop in revenue – unless, of course, people stopped paying their fines in the first place and, therefore, they lost all that money anyway – something to consider.

– What we can do to make a difference

In addition to using the information in the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – to challenge your fines, there are many other things that we can all do collectively to help make a difference and have this ridiculous system of blatant revenue raising brought to its knees.

First and foremost, you can read over our Petition to Remove Cameras page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/petition-to-remove-cameras/ – and click the link within that page and add your signature.

Then, you can have a read of this article – https://www.thenewspaper.com/news/65/6519.asp – and consider why it is that the French are revolting against their government when they reduce the speed limit and install more cameras yet we, essentially, just sit on our collective, apathetic backsides here in Australia and, not only let them get away with it but keep rewarding them for doing it by continuing to pay these ridiculous fines.

As this follow up article details – https://www.thenewspaper.com/news/65/6539.asp things have escalated even further in the past couple of months so maybe, just maybe, it’s time for us to start rising up here in Australia as well now.

– Know Your Rights group and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area.

Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their brand new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

And, if you’re in or around Melbourne at the end of November, make sure you secure your seat to their final live events there on the 23rd, 24th and 25th. You can find out more about those events, and secure your seats, via this direct link- https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/

They are also working very closely with Senator Culleton – https://www.rodneyculleton.com.au/ – who was instrumental in exposing the Government’s unlawful removal of any reference to The Queen from the High Court rules. He is back in the High Court on Monday and is another step closer to being re-instated to his lawful position as a Federal Senator.

He is working closely with the Know Your Rights group to get the newly-formed Great Australian political party – https://www.thegreataustralianparty.com.au/ – up and running and we urge you to join up as a Member of that party, if you are serious about bringing about true change in this country.

The Know Your Rights group are also working closely with Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day.

You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more. Given all the information that is now coming out as a result of the royal commission into banking, this is the perfect time to find out the truth about the banks and how you can fight back against them.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories.

The first is from a Member who stuck to his guns and fought a speed camera fine despite all the odds and ultimately won.

Hi Guys,

Just like to share my recent experience with a camera detected speeding offence – bear with me as this was a 2 year battle.

Went through the process to have the matter heard in Court, wrote to both the Office of State Revenue and the Roads and Maritime Services wanting details of the camera, copy of the 138 Certificate  and details of the last testing.

OSR not interested and the RMS did not respond. Waited right to the last day of the time permitted to notify of a court election (which happen to fall on the Friday of a long weekend) only for them to read my emailed request on the following  Tuesday. They in all there wisdom deemed my response time to late, all because I waited till the “death” for the response from the RMS.

Applied for an annulment of their decision – being to late in responding – paid the $50 and got nowhere.

Tried to have the matter annulled in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal – RMS appeared and claimed the AAT had no jurisdiction to hear such things. 2 victories for them and me not happy.

Fronted my local court (Newcastle) to have the RMS decisions to fine me annulled and the matter heard in court as I originally requested. Got my request up – score now 2 – 1.

RMS sent you beaut solicitor up from Sydney (armed with a 137 & 138 Certificate from the supposed-ed camera)  – Magistrate not interested in my thoughts around Section 10, National Measurement Act and Regulation, in fact hardly let me get started. Wanted to know if I had any technical evidence to which I replied “no”, only precedence from other cases –

Mitchell v Kimpoton & Sons ( Supreme Court Victoria 1970)

Breedon v Kongras  ( Supreme Court WA 1995)

Bryan v Brambles Holdings ( Supreme Court Vic 1958)

Agar v Dolheguy ( Supreme Court Vic 2010)

Short and Sweet, if no technical evidence relating to the matter, fine stands plus Court costs. Score now 3 – 1 and me very unhappy. Went straight down stairs to the administration – requesting the matter go to the District Court.

After another 12 months with listing days, mention days, finally got a hearing day. Score now 3 – 2. Feeling better

Having no technical evidence as the Magistrate requested, in the mean time I found something called Government Information ( Public Access) Act or as referred to in the Court as GIPA.

Sent a request through their web site for a maintenance history of the camera (situated on the Pacific Hwy near Valla just south of Nambucca  NSW) for the period of 3 months either side of the infringement date.

Low and behold they not only approved my request – sent a report back, stating that the camera was not detecting vehicles for 3 months until something called ‘new piezos installed’ which happened to fall within my offence date.

Armed ( full of confidence) headed to the District Court on the hearing date, only to have no opposition – RMS didn’t turn up and the Police Prosecutor had no details. Judge would not look at my GIPA evidence without some opposition to speak against it. Thought this fair enough, we have a legal system that works right !!!

Finally next sitting day arrives, you beaut solicitor from Sydney arrives ( same one from local court hearing), I hand him a copy of the GIPA report – he straight into  a cubical phone in hand, I guess wanting some instructions from someone on this report. In the meantime with not too many people at this sitting day, a barrister introduces himself to me, asking if I needed legal representation.  Turns out he is there from Legal Aid (wanting to justify his existence), nice enough guy – told him briefly the  story so far – he gave me a few pointers on how to introduce new evidence through a notice of motion (GIPA report) and tender  as a business record and as I thought I had come this far on my own, thanked him for his help and we would see how we go.

Judge wanted to know if I was ready ( yes your honour) RMS says he can’t get in contact with superiors needs more time. Judge suggests I talk to Legal Aid barrister and come back in after morning tea.

Much discussion between RMS solicitor and legal aid barrister, with the end result being that RMS were prepared to concede to a Section 10, stating there would be no conviction, no fine, no points lost if I agreed. The alternative being have a hearing and hope the Judge accepted my GIPA report as fresh evidence.

Somehow felt that the Judge knew something was a little different – requested the Legal Aid barrister appear on my behalf, to which he told the Judge that I was a good guy with a relative clean record, to which the RMS said nothing and the Judge dismissed the matter. As the score now stands at 3 – 3, I felt better, but still didn’t get this GIPA report exposed, which pretty much contradicted the 137 & 138 reports originally tendered as evidence by the RMS .

Many thanks to you people and the help you provide, I only hope if someone else gets into the same position I did, they get the GIPA report exposed and the rouge behavior and illegal practice of fines gets exposed.


Robert – NSW

And our second is a second hand report from another Member who raises some important points.

Hi Guys,

This is a story about Mr Paul xxxx who has beaten a Brisbane City Council illegal Parking Fine.   The case has been dragging on for two years, with threats to Paul happening – including Cancellation of his Drivers Licence.   (So Social Media has it).

He had to take two days off work, and as a high up manager in his company, has lost two days pay.   I assume that  because they didn’t go to court, the two days pay and expenses will not be paid to him by City Hall.   A couple of thousand dollars perhaps to beat a $91 illegal fine – worth every cent.

A good outcome – should give encouragement to many.   The result shows, that they will  keep up the pressure on the individual to pay up, even when they know they’re wrong, until a day before the final court case.   Up until this date, there will be cancellations of the court case to drag it out further.

The moral is, if you believe you are right, hang in there and don’t pay – have your day in court – and when they know they are wrong, they will back down at hearing date.

However, my main “beef” is with the demerit points system, where many are losing their licences, for driving a few k’s over on a number of occasions, or not quite stopping at a Stop Sign when there is no traffic coming either way – and many of the other minor infringements which can all add up.

I think if it wasn’t for the points, motorists would just pay up – but the loss of licence threat hanging over every driver is real.   My grandson was unaware that in the Brisbane CBD some years ago, the speed limit was lowered to 40, and was doing 50, booked and lost his licence.   He was an apprentice – this licence cancellation severely affected him, to the point where he became a cyclist, with all the dangers involved there, and he could have lost his apprenticeship if his place of work required him to drive.

Clearly, these punishments far outstrip the “crime”.   Loss of licence over a speeding issue, where it was safe to do it yesterday, but not today, when the result of this is loss of an apprenticeship, and livelihood for life – is just plain silly.

Yet even this week, channel 9 was airing a program trying to convince us that “every k over is a killer” – whereas “every k over is some $$$’s” might be closer to the truth.

Kind Regards,


Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and paperwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,

4 August 2018
More issues for ‘the system’ and some great success stories from our Members!

– Intro

We have another very exciting update to share with you this month and we know you’re going to enjoy this one because it follows on directly from our last one and proves that the current system is slowly but surely collapsing!

Speed cameras are being removed from our roads, hand held devices are being withdrawn from service and the whole system of ‘revenue raising’ is coming under attack. The police are being dogged by corruption claims and We, The People, are starting to flex our muscles and fight back against the dishonestly and deception.

And, as you’ll see from the numerous new Testimonials this month, our Members are not only fighting back, but they are having some great victories as well, which is always great news.

So, as always, make yourself comfortable and read on to learn the latest exciting info…..

More speed camera issues

Those of you who read our last e-mail update will recall that we went through a number of media articles that detailed a wide range of flaws and faults with the current range of speed detection devices being used by police. Well, the good news for our Members is that those stories have continued over the past month or so and, as you’ll see from the following articles, it’s just going from bad to worse for the revenue raising retards!

The first story is from Channel 7, who reported on the large number of issues with police radar guns, which are now being recalled. You can watch the whole story here – https://au.news.yahoo.com/police-radar-speed-guns-recalled-082344723.html

The opening line explains that the police in NSW are now more worried than drivers, because every handheld lidar gun has been recalled – for re-certification – as a result of a recent court ruling there. The biggest issue, of course, is that, as we explain in our e-book, they can’t actually be “certified” under Federal law because the ‘originating specifications’ that would be required for such certification simply don’t exist! Accordingly, the Commissioner can never lawfully ‘authorise’ the certification of those devices so there no way of lawfully ‘closing that loophole’.

And, it’s a similar story in South Australia, where, as this story explains, the future of hand held speed detection devices is also in doubt, after a number of landmark Supreme Court rulings there – https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-20/hand-held-speed-gun-future-in-doubt-in-sa/10018260?pfm=sm

You’ll note that the article points out that, in this instance, three separate drivers have all successfully won their cases on appeal to the Supreme Court in SA and, as we explain in our e-book, Supreme Court cases can be relied upon in any State as a case precedent, not just the State that they were determined in.

More importantly, these three cases come on the back of a previous case that we reported on back in 2016 and, as the article explains, the principles still apply because the Police have not, and cannot, change their testing procedures.

The more people that start reading up on these cases – which you can find copies of in our Advanced Membership area – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/advanced-membership// – and using them in their own cases, the quicker we can bring the current system to its knees!

Then, there was this Channel 9 story – https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/06/24/19/14/speeding-cameras-south-australia-probe-launched – which is also from South Australia and it explains how all fixed and mobile speed cameras are being reviewed.

They even go so far as to claim that any cameras found to not be directly linked to safety could be “ripped out”. Well, given that sending someone a fine in the mail 3 weeks after the fact can’t possibly be ‘linked to safety’ that should of course, mean that they are all removed but clearly that’s not going to happen. It will be interesting to see what the ‘audit’ actually finds though but, not surprisingly, as the story says, “motorists are not convinced”.

So, if they remove hand devices from service and all fixed and mobile speed cameras, South Australia might be the first State in Australia where motorists can enjoy hassle free driving and be left in charge of making appropriate determinations of speed themselves, which is, of course, the way it should be. After all, the idiots who choose to hoon around at dangerous speeds aren’t the slightest bit swayed by speeding fines anyway!

And, last but not least, it’s a similar story again in WA, where speed cameras have been pulled from service because they have been proven to be faulty. You can read the full story here – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-28/more-speed-cameras-pulled-by-wa-police-over-faulty-readings/9918746

This story follows on from the ones we reported in our last e-mail update and explains how a total of 19 speed cameras have now been ‘pulled offline’ as a review continues into 53,000 infringements that were detected by “potentially faulty cameras”.

This is also a perfect story to pass onto friends/family/co-workers who continue to spout the ridiculous mantra that “If you don’t speed, you have nothing to worry about” because, as all the motorists caught by these faulty cameras can attest to, that is simply not true!

The closing line to that article is a pathetically inadequate response, by the police, to address one of the most serious issues affecting motorists – incorrect and invalid fines. Seriously, how ‘big’ of the WA Police Minister to admit that they “made the wrong decision to continue using the new speed cameras after faults were detected in February.” Gee, ya think!!!

But, as you’ll see in the section below, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to exposing how absolutely ineffective and how utterly corrupt the police in this country are.

– Big problems for the police

As we referenced in the section above, there is more and more information coming out about how completely corrupt the police are in this country.

In our last e-mail update, we reported on the problems police were facing with alcohol and drug testing and we referred our readers to an article that detailed that the police in Victoria had faked some 258,000 breath tests. Well, as this article notes – https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/this-is-just-the-tip-victoria-police-may-have-faked-more-than-a-million-breath-tests-as-investigation-into-officers-sees-their-funding-cut-by-dollar4million/ar-AAyc0BD – that was just the tip of the iceberg and the number is actually closer to one million!

Now, again, we want to make it clear, this doesn’t mean that there was necessarily an issue with the accuracy of the legitimate breath tests that were conducted but it does show how corrupt the police are and the lengths that they will go to, just to reach their quotas, or ‘benchmarks’.

Of course, if they are willing to go to those extraordinary lengths to fake breath tests then what lengths are they going to, to fake speed detections and issue multiple bogus tickets based on the same single reading, for example.

Unfortunately, it gets even more serious than that though, as this article explains – https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2018/07/victoria-state-disgrace/ – and we agree, a royal commission into policing would be a great place to start!

And, of course, it’s a similar situation in probably the most corrupt police State in Australia – Queensland. This article – https://corpau.blogspot.com/2018/08/queensland-australias-most-corrupt.html – and the video contained in it, details the levels they will go to, to try and cover up police corruption there.

And, back in Victoria, the “new” fines system is continuing to cause headaches for the police and government – which is great news – and long may it continue. Maybe when a few more hundred thousand motorists join the fight and stop blindly “paying up”, the system will collapse completely. Until then, we’ll have to be happy with articles such as this one – https://www.itnews.com.au/news/victorias-new-fines-system-still-dogged-by-it-issues-499010

– The latest speed camera revenue figures

Sadly, despite all of the corruption claims and proven flawed and faulty cameras, the police and governments continue to rely on the insane amount of revenue raised by these devices and the following articles show just how completely ‘out of control’ the current system is.

In NSW – yes, the very same place that all hand held devices were being recalled for ‘re-certification’ – their speed and red light cameras (which also fail proper certification) are racking up ‘new highs’ in respect of the amount of revenue they are raising. This Nine News story spells it all out very clearly – https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/07/19/17/38/drivers-fined-a-record-193-million-by-red-light-and-speed-cameras

Of course, right from the outset, the media puts their ‘spin’ on things by claiming that it is only drivers who “speed or run red lights” that are getting fines but, as we have clearly spelled out throughout this e-mail update, the reality is that motorists are being issued incorrect and unjust fines all the time, despite doing nothing wrong, so that has nothing to do with it! They also refer to “a better” way of deterring dangerous drivers, which would suggest that the existing system actually does that already to some degree, which, again, as we have proven, is simply not the case.

Even the lawyer interviewed made it clear that these insidious devices exist for nothing more than ‘revenue raising’. The Roads Minister claims that they are not “addicted to the revenue” and goes onto suggest that they are addicted to some magical ‘message’ about drivers being “safer and better on our roads” but how can you be addicted to something that doesn’t exist??? The road toll continues to rise in NSW, as the ‘Road Toll – Year To Date” figure on this link proves – https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiTmbvn79LcAhUHNrwKHdxDBBAQFjABegQICRAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Froadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au%2Fdownloads%2Fdynamic%2Fnsw-road-toll-daily.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1tufbuIHnWvgwAcPTHm8OY

As we said earlier in this e-mail and, as both the lawyer who was interviewed, and the NRMA spokesperson confirmed, sending people a fine in the mail a month after the fact does absolutely nothing to modify driver behaviour!

We would, of course, vehemently deny the lawyers closing comments that it is “very, very difficult, if not impossible” to beat fines because our Members have been doing so for over 11 years now and, as you will see from the Latest Testimonials and Feedback section, further down this e-mail, Members who have our ground-breaking e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – continue to successfully challenge these types of fines every day.

And, in Victoria, where they have the lowest speed tolerances of any State, there’s this story – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5980745/Speed-camera-making-45-000-drivers-caught-breaking-law-notorious-junction.html – about a single camera raking in $45,000 a day!!!

As we have explained many times before – some people are still just ‘too stupid’ to understand – if that many people are doing the wrong thing then clearly, the government’s definition of “wrong” needs some work!

In fact, the cameras in Melbourne are raising so much revenue for the government that they are now trialing new cameras, in new places, to try and raise every last cent they can. Check out their latest plan here – https://www.3aw.com.au/popular-rat-runs-could-be-hit-in-a-game-changer-coming-to-victorias-speed-camera-network/ – which involves using cameras in many back streets with all kinds of additional ‘interference’ issues. Please keep in mind that the manufacturers of these devices clearly state that “the possibilities for interference are too numerous to mention” yet they now claim that simply ‘doesn’t apply’ in backstreets!

What will they come up with next???

– Some important truths

As we mentioned earlier in this update, there are, sadly, still many motorists who blindly believe the mantra that “speed kills” and their associated propaganda sayings. The simple fact is that, as this article explains – https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/motoring/on-the-road/why-the-road-safety-message-is-past-its-useby-date/news-story/db70df0aafd26c01fceaf5f06c06b761?from=rss-basic&utm_content=SocialFlow&utm_source=News.com.au&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=EditorialSF – the current “road safety message” is false and misleading.

The article explains, first and foremost, how the old saying of “wipe of 5 and save lives” simply doesn’t apply anymore because advancements in vehicle safety technology means the studies that lead to that belief are no longer relevant.

It goes onto to expose how the claim by the government that speed cameras have led to a 25% reduction in fatal accidents is also simply not true.

The harsh reality is that the road toll continues to rise in many States and, as this most unfortunate and upsetting article reveals – https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/07/19/07/39/monaro-highway-canberra-closed-fatal-car-crash?app=applenews – speed cameras have absolutely zero effect in saving lives when it comes to situations like the one reported on.

Eight people being killed on our roads in 24 hours is truly a tragedy but please, for the love of common sense, stop blaming ‘speed’ for everything and stop spouting the absolute unsubstantiated rubbish that “speed cameras save lives” and let’s see the government start implementing some of the truly  life-saving strategies that we have outlined on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/

And, on a completely different note, but we didn’t know where else to include it, is this A Current Affair story – https://www.9now.com.au/a-current-affair/2018/extras/latest/180620/toll-fightback?ocid=Social-9ACA – which asks the vitally important question, “why are some drivers being gouged more in penalties (for toll fines) than people convicted of serious assaults?”

As we have been telling people for years, the current system of fines is completely out of control – people are being issued with ridiculous fines, for the most minor breaches of rules (not laws). They are compounded with exorbitant costs and then, when people can’t pay, their licences are suspended or their cars can’t be registered and, as a result, they lose their ability to earn income, they can then lose their homes, their families and, in many cases now, even their lives. Yet, you can seriously assault and harm someone in this country and be let off more lightly!!!

Their quest for the ‘almighty dollar’ is way beyond a joke and, the worst offenders of all are, of course, the toll companies, who use the police and the DPP as their private debt collectors. This is simply not acceptable and we urge people to use the General 3 step process, in Chapter 3 of our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – to challenge these exceptionally unjust and unlawful fines.

The only good news to come out of this story is that these ridiculous toll fines are now clogging up the courts and, given how many are issued every day, if we could just get everyone to challenge their fines and take them to court, the system would be brought to its knees within a matter of weeks!

We have reported on many success stories where people have successfully challenged their toll fine debts in courts and had them wiped out but this one – https://tenplay.com.au/news/national/april-2017/motorist-has-more-than-100000-in-road-fines-forgiven – is probably one of the most prominent and largest debts ever.

You absolutely can challenge these ridiculous fines and we would urge you to spend some time reading over our numerous Testimonials pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – to find out how many of our Members are doing just that.

– Know Your Rights group and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area.

Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their brand new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

They are also working very closely with Senator Culleton – https://www.rodneyculleton.com.au/ – who was instrumental in exposing the Government’s unlawful removal of any reference to The Queen from the High Court rules. He is back in the High Court on Monday and is another step closer to being re-instated to his lawful position as a Federal Senator.

He is working closely with the Know Your Rights group to get the newly-formed Great Australian political party – https://www.thegreataustralianparty.com.au/ – up and running and we urge you to join up as a Member of that party, if you are serious about bringing about true change in this country.

The Know Your Rights group are also working closely with Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day.

You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more. Given all the information that is now coming out as a result of the royal commission into banking, this is the perfect time to find out the truth about the banks and how you can fight back against them.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories.

The first is from a Member who used our 3 step process and went on to take a matter to court, where she quickly had it dismissed.


First I want to thank Aussie Speeding Fine for your valuable information – I had doubts but went ahead and took the WA Police to court.

Last Nov a bike cop alleged I was doing 93 in a 60 zone in WA. I was 100% not doing 93. Asked to see the speed device, was told too late he’s reset it.

The trial was this morning and guess what…. case was dismissed!

I believe it was because I had done the 3 letter process and the officer knew he couldn’t prove anything.

Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions and support here, you are awesome!!!

I fought the Law and I WON!!!


The second is from a Member who stood his ground – despite numerous threats from the Sheriff – took his fine to court, applied some of our advanced arguments and appealed to the County Court (District Court) and ultimately had the charge dismissed.

Hi Guys,

My name is Jeff. I was sent a speeding fine for traveling 4 KM over a 60 KM limit I asked for a photo of the incident but they said I would have to pay I think about $7.50 PLUS.

I said what they are really doing is withholding reverence. I then refused to pay, I spent the next 12 months fighting the unlawful Infringement Court, threats of license suspension, stopping me from re-registering my car etc.

Then, the unlawful Sheriff  came in on the scene. I got a letter to say he would come to my home and take items to the value of the fine plus Costs. Under Fee Simple Title no-one can enter your property without your permission. He never came around. 

After all that I got my day in Court. In fact a Magistrates Court at that point. I received a brief, A police prosecutor read out the Charge and it was my turn I said this Court cannot hear this Case  I gave the reasons. This Court is an unlawful Administrative Court I can only be charged under Common Law, also the Magistrate has not taken a lawful Oath of Office as per the 1869 Promissory Oaths Act.

Moving on, the magistrates Court is a STAR Chamber that has been unlawful for more than 400 years. The so called Magistrate, and he was a realty a nice block, said Charge was proven but with no fine. I appealed to the County Court, within 5 minutes the Judge dismissed the Case saying No case to answer.

Remember: Courts in all States of Australia are without a doubt, unlawful. The Judge needs to swear a Lawful Oath of Office and an Affirmation of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, not to the Treasonous ‘Queen of Australia”. After all, the Common Law Courts are in fact Queens Courts, the rest are Rubbish.

On page 614 about 1/3 down the page of the Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth states NO MAN CAN BE LEGALLY BOUND————-  .


Jeff – Vic.

The next is from yet another Member who was faced with the Sheriff and, as you can see from his detailed conversation, he knew exactly what to say to send them on their way!

Hi guys;

Had the local Sheriff drop by today, as the SRO have been threatening to do for a while and, have done before looking for the same name (mine, but middle and last names misspelled by one letter each).  I normally screen all my suspicious mail with a strong torch and send it back if it’s something I don’t like or if it’s not for me.  Obviously, a misspelled name is also not for me.  This final time, I realised it wouldn’t make a difference if I opened this one.

It’s for an unpaid bill but refused to pay because the name’s wrong, but get this – instead of the roughly $400, it’s now about a grand more.  Something tells me the State is adding to it hoping to graft a heap more for some of its other departments, like a computer court, Sheriff department etc.

I would have recorded this conversation if I was ready, but my phone’s useless for that and my other devices have flat batteries.  I get a bang on the window from 2 cops and the following was a very friendly exchange:

ME: “Hey fellas, what’s up?”

SH: “We’re from the Albury Sheriff’s office. Are you uh.. [firstname middlename]?”

ME: “Sorry, which person are you after?”

SH: “[firstname middlename – (misspelled)]”

ME: “No. You’ve been here looking for that name before.”

SH: “Have we? Oh, okay.”

ME: “I don’t even know what it’s about.”

SH: “Just an unpaid fine that came from State Debt Recovery Office.”

ME: “Didn’t they change their name a few years ago?”

SH: “Who?”


SH: “Uh, yeah.”

ME: “So the SDRO no longer exist then?”

SH: “Nah, but same thing.”

ME: “I beg to differ.”

SH: “Okay, but do you have a driver’s licence we can see, just to verify?”

ME: “I gave that back.”

SH: “Medicare card?”

ME: “I’ll get you something. (get forklift licence, show it through flywire door)”

ME: “Can you see that?

SH: “No, can’t read it.”

ME: “Okay (I open the door and show him again)”

SH: “Is your surname [lastname]?”

ME: “No, I was only given 2 names, the surname was assigned to the person.”

SH: “Heh.. Okay. Is that your birthdate?”

ME: “You mean b-e-r-t-h date? I was born, only ships get berthed.”

SH: “So when were you born?”

ME: “No idea. Nobody knows when they were born. I can’t honestly swear to it in court.”

SH: “That’s true. (he writes stuff down)”

(It’s obvious the name’s misspelled and they didn’t let on or question it, but I wanted more info).

ME: “I don’t know if someone’s really dyslexic, but if anyone says that’s my name, it’s fraud, right?”

SH: “What, if you say it’s yours?”

ME: “Yeah, or anyone?”

SH: “Yeah.”

ME: “But it’s the person, not the man. You know all about that, right? (fishing, but I couldn’t believe what he said next)”

SH: “Yeah, but let’s not get into that now, it gets pretty complicated.”

ME: “Heh.. Okay.”

(They finish writing stuff)

SH: “Okay, sorry to bother you.”

ME: “No probs.”

Thing is, I’ve never had such a friendly encounter with cops, ever.  I’m pretty sure these were the same 2 cops that turned up some months ago.  Last time though, they didn’t ask me for ID.  Although this was easy because the name’s misspelled, goes to show that if the name’s not a perfect match, they can’t do much.  Especially if they see you know what you’re talking about.

Olly – Albury

And, finally, the last one is from a Member who received an unjust and unlawful fine for failing to stop at an amber light and he, again, used our information to not only beat his fine but upset an officer for wasting a day in court. Again, the more people that do that, the quicker they will get the message to stop issuing these ridiculous fines in the first place!

Hi all,

I won my not stopping at an orange light court case. As you recommended, I did not use any karate chops or back flips. I simply established reasonable doubt.

The magistrates final conclusion was. It could be seen, that you were rushing to get through the lights, but as this is a criminal court I must give the benefit of the doubt.

The ‘how to win your court case’ section in the Aussie Speeding Fines book was the best help. I was able to cross examine the police officer in a way I would not have thought of without the books knowledge.

I helped block up the courts. It was unlikely my case was going to be held that day as they were overbooked. But a case finished early upstairs, and I luckily went up there, to a different magistrate, who was having a better day and ruled in my favour.

I found out the police officer who originally booked me was a Senior Constable of the Terrorism Intelligence Unit. She was a little annoyed to have taken a day from work to lose my case and is not that intelligent to prioritise taking a day off terrorism investigations to incriminate someone for the terrible crime of not stopping at an orange light.

It has been nice to try out all that I have learnt. A nice result, but I forget to ask for costs. As the magistrate was reading out the final statement, I was more thinking where do I have to go to lodge an appeal. Asking for costs was not in my reality at the time.

Thanks Guys,

Paul from Sydney.

Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and papwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,

10 June 2018

Huge problems for “the system” after major issues are uncovered!

– Intro

We have a very exciting update to share with you this month and we know you’re going to enjoy this one!

Most of our updates contain a number of articles detailing new and improved ways for the ‘powers-that-be’ to extricate more of our hard earned money from us but, this month, the tables have been well and truly turned and the majority of the articles we will be sharing with you detail ways in which “the system” is coming undone.

There are have been a huge number of issues uncovered across the country in the past month or so that really show the shortcomings – and, in some cases, outright lies and deceit – by the police and the instruments and devices they use. And, as you’ll see in this update, that means that more and more people are fighting back against their unjust and unlawful fines and winning!

So, as always, make yourself comfortable and read on to learn the latest exciting info…..

Major speed camera issues

The WA Police are scrambling around frantically after a raft of issues have been exposed with their speed cameras. As this article details – https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/wa-police-reviews-53-000-fines-after-faulty-speed-camera-readings-20180503-p4zd1i.html – “11 mobile speed cameras have been suspended from use after it was identified they were producing false speed readings”!

We wonder how many speed cameras continue to produce false readings that haven’t yet been ‘identified’ yet.

The article mentions the “testing” of the devices and finishes off by referring to the ‘recertification’ of the devices but, as we detail in our e-book – “Speeding Fines – What You REALLY Need to Know” – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/no speed detection device in the country has, in fact, been certified and tested pursuant to section 10 of the National Measurement Act. Furthermore, the ‘originating specifications’ against which these devices are supposedly tested, simply do not exist in this country so, what exactly are they “testing” and “certifying” them against???

This is another article on the same issue – https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/wa-police-suspend-use-of-mobile-speed-cameras-after-faulty-readings-ng-b88823774z – that goes into more detail about the specific problem – accurately detecting the speed of multiple vehicles that are traveling side-by-side.

Now, given that the manufacturers manuals for these, and other, speed detection devices, include statements such as: “There are many forms of interference that may affect a Radar instrument, however they are too numerous to mention” and “To conclude, interference always has a reason, however, the reasons are often impossible to explain as there are too many variables that have to be considered”, how can the motoring public ever rely on the readings from these devices? Please note that these quotes, including many others, from the actual manufacturers training manuals, are included in our e-book with specific references to the actual page numbers so they can reliably be referred to in any court proceeding.

The fact that the police use these devices at all, and are allowed to rely on them in court as “accurate” or “evidence” is a complete joke but, the fact that they used them in WA when they knew there was a serious fault is completely unacceptable. One has to ask, “What else are they doing on a daily basis that they know to be wrong?”

Both the above articles refer to a woman who was incorrectly fined, and had her vehicle unlawfully impounded, because of these faulty cameras and this article goes into that story further – https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/woman-wrongly-booked-for-speeding-vindicated-by-dilapidated-getz-ng-b88825748z

As we have been telling people for over a decade now, that is precisely why section 8, sub-section 12 of the Imperial Acts Application Act must adhered to. The police have absolutely no authority what-so-ever, to issue a penalty and to force anyone to forfeit their property, until such time as they have been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction. Maybe when a few more people sue the police and they are forced to put their hand in their own pockets to compensate people, they will start to take notice of this important piece of legislation.

But wait, there’s more! It gets even worse for WA Police after they had to refund another 40 speeding fines that were incorrectly issued on a double demerit point weekend!

As this article explains – https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/albany-highway-drivers-get-fine-refund-after-review-ng-b88837745z – it all comes on the back of a 3 month investigation into two police officers who let off one of their own after being clocked doing 31 km/h over the limit, which would, of course, be an instant loss of licence for anyone who wasn’t a police officer.

Quite obviously, just because these stories are from WA, it doesn’t mean that speed cameras in other States aren’t also subject to the same issues and it clearly doesn’t mean that officers in other States aren’t doing the wrong thing as well – as you’ll see in the following section.

– More speed camera stories

Unfortunately, not all the articles that we have to share with you this month are positive because the incessant use of flawed and faulty speed cameras continues but, at least people are starting to become more aware of the issues with these devices and more and more motorists are starting to challenge their fines which is exactly what needs to happen if we are to bring ‘the system’ to a halt.

Speed cameras are a huge business for the various State governments and the following articles detail just how much they make from these insidious revenue raising machines. This article – https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/the-highway-speed-camera-raking-in-a-staggering-dollar4600-an-hour-pinging-close-to-one-driver-every-60-seconds/ar-AAwHjXK?ocid=ientp – details the fact that one camera in QLD earns the government there a very handy $4,600 an hour!

The author nots that the camera issued 155 infringement notices in just 5.5 hours. Well, as we have said many times before, if 155 motorists are doing the “wrong” thing in such a short period of time then it is crystal clear that the government’s definition of “wrong” needs some work! If that many people are ‘breaking the law’ then the law needs to be changed – it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

The article goes on to mention that the top 5 earning cameras are all along the Bruce Highway which again makes it clear that the speed limit on that highway is, quite obviously, set too low. We would urge QLD motorists to start petitioning their members of parliament to have those speed limits raised and use this information, and this article, as the grounds for doing so.

Of course, the article claims that these speed cameras have saved thousands of crashes and hundreds of millions of dollars but, of course, there is no actual evidence or proof to back up those wild and completely baseless claims.

It’s s similar story in Victoria, where this article – https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/05/07/17/40/victorias-highest-earning-speed-cameras – reveals one camera there caught a speeding driver every 100 seconds. Once again, if that many people are “speeding” then it is more than obvious to anyone who cares about the truth, that the speed limit is clearly set artificially low – obviously, in order to raise as much revenue as possible. As the article states, even the lawyers agree!

The problem with these articles is, of course, that they don’t get to the heart of the matter which is, quite simply, that speed cameras do not work – or at least not in the way the police and governments claim they do.

As this Car Advice article explains – https://www.caradvice.com.au/648190/proof-that-speed-cameras-arent-working/ – the statistics prove that speed cameras are not making us better, safer drivers at all.

Despite raking in over $1 billion a year – yes, you read that figure correctly – for the various State governments around the country, road fatalities are up by 2.9% and severe injuries are up by a whopping 19%!

The article goes into great detail about why this increase in severe injuries is such an issue – over and above the obvious – and goes onto explain that speed cameras are great at issuing more and more fines each year but do absolutely nothing to reduce the road toll or number of serious injuries on our roads.

Unfortunately, while the State governments are still raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from these devices each year then they’re certainly not going to get rid of them and they’re not going to take any notice of the truly life saving strategies we have been sharing with people on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/ – for over a decade now.

The only way we’re going to get them to remove these devices is by doing to them what they do to us – hitting them where it hurts, in their back pocket. And, of course, the best way to do that is to be armed with all the information you need to successfully challenge every unjust and unlawful fine you receive. The best way to do that, of course, is to have a copy of our truly licence-saving e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/before you get a fine so that you’re in the best possible position to challenge it.

– Major problems with drug and alcohol testing too

Now, before we get into this section, we want to make it clear from the outset that we genuinely believe that drug and alcohol affected drivers truly are the biggest killers on our roads and people simply need to stop driving if they have consumed any alcohol or drugs at all.

We firmly believe that the police should do everything in their power to get drug and alcohol affected drivers off our roads but, having said that, they still have follow proper due process and they still have to do things the right way. Unfortunately, it is now becoming very clear that they have not been doing that.

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks you will have certainly heard about the story that broke in Victoria bout the police faking hundreds of thousands of breath tests. In fact, as this article details – https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/police-faked-258-000-breath-tests-in-shocking-breach-of-trust-20180530-p4zii8.html – the number is up to 258,000!

Now, the police are quick to point out that these ‘fake’ tests haven’t caused anyone to lose their licence or anything like that so it’s really ‘no big deal’. The problem, of course, is that it’s a huge deal – not because anyone has been wrongly fined for drink driving but because, like the police in WA who used cameras they knew to be faulty, the police in Victoria have now lost all credibility. After all, if they were faking breath tests, what else have they been faking???

There have been a number of articles written about this issue, including this one – https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/police-breath-test-scam-goes-back-at-least-15-years-20180531-p4zir8.html – which details this practice has been going on for over 15 years, not the 5 years that was originally reported!

Almost every article written on this subject refers to the reason why the police faked all these tests was because of pressures to “meet quotas”, yet the police constantly try and tell us that they don’t actually have quotas, or “targets”, as they now refer to them, which has now been proven, as a result of this mess, to be a complete and utter lie.

So, now that we categorically know that they do have quotas, or targets, they have to meet in relation to breathalysing a certain number of motorists, it is quite obvious that they also have quotas in relation to how many speeding motorists they have to fine as well – especially given how much the government relies on speeding fine revenue now.

So, how do we know that the police don’t simply record – or create – a reading on a hand held device and then just go and issue numerous tickets, to multiple motorists, all based on that one speed reading! The answer is we can’t and, therefore, we must question, and challenge, the validity of every fine we receive because the police have now proven that they can’t be trusted.

And, although this story broke in Victoria, if you think that police in other States aren’t doing exactly the same thing then we have a few really great bridges to sell you!

As the heading to this section suggests, it’s not just breath tests that have been thrown into doubt either because, as this article details – https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/police-drug-test-accuracy-in-doubt-ng-ya-324121 – the accuracy of drug tests has been thrown into doubt as well.

The article details that “quite a few issues” have been uncovered with the current drug testing machines and we have already fielded a number of e-mails from concerned Members who have returned false positives after being tested.

30% of saliva tests are not working sufficiently, there are machine faults and invalid tests yet, the police continue to use these flawed and faulty devices and charge people as a result. Once again, people who know they haven’t taken drugs should refer to this article and points raised in it to defend any false charge being made against them.

Again, although the article is from WA, the author makes it clear that police in other States are experiencing exactly the same issues so these principles would apply Australia-wide.

– Some extra ‘bonus’ info

And, just to finish off this month, we have a few ‘bonus’ articles that don’t really fit into a particular category but are definitely worth sharing because they contain some really great info.

The first is an article that finally answers the question that seems to confuse the majority of motorists and that is, do you need to carry your licence when driving? Well, as this article explains – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5472321/Do-need-carry-licence-driving-Australia.html?ito=social-facebook_Australia – it all comes down to what State you’re in.

The article breaks down the law in each State so now you have to wonder no longer as you have a clear cut answer, no matter where you are. We would add that any State that requires you to carry your licence is bordering on being like Nazi Germany where they constantly asked for your “papers please” and, as we cover on our Advanced Membership website – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/advanced-membership/ – there are numerous court cases that detail hat driving is a right not a privilege and that no-one can be forced to carry identification so make sure you refer to those if you want to go beyond what the article above covers on this topic.

On a separate topic, one of our Members sent us a great little YouTube video on how and why you should always challenge toll fines. In this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KlF4K1u2E0&feature=youtu.be – the gentleman, Harry, explains why all toll roads are illegal and how he used those arguments to get the RMS to withdraw their court case against him after he refused to pay a number of toll fines.

And, finally, the Liberal Nationals have put together a brief survey – https://www.getvictoriamoving.com.au/commonsenseroadrules/ – to see what people think about some proposed changes in regards to road related issues.

It only takes a minute or so to fill out and there is a section at the end where you can add in some extra comments and we would urge people to take a few minutes to complete it and let their voice be heard. And, of course, once you’ve done that, be sure to spread the word and pass the link onto others as well.

– Know Your Rights group FREE seminars and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area.

Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their brand new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

They have also running their brand new, completely revamped live events around the country and their Introductory Seminars are now completely free! So, if you would like to learn more about your rights, be sure to check out their Seminar page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ – to find out more and to secure your seats to those events.

Their next events are in Melbourne, on the 22nd, 23rd & 24th of June so please make sure you use this direct link – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/melbourne-introductory-intermediate-seminars-and-advanced-workshop-22nd-23rd-24th-of-june-2018/ – to secure your seats to those truly life-changing events. Please note that these are the last scheduled events they have for this year so it may well be your last opportunity to see them live for quite some time.

They are also working closely with a new group called Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day.

You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more. Given all the information that is now coming out as a result of the royal commission into banking, this is the perfect time to find out the truth about the banks and how you can fight back against them.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories.

The first is from a Member who, like the gentleman in the You Tube video we referred to earlier, managed to have a toll fine significantly reduced on his very first time challenging a fine.

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know I was in the Ringwood Magistrates Court yesterday contesting unpaid toll fines which had proceeded to court after reaching $220.

Long story short, after the police tried to bully me into a guilty plea I returned back to the court room for a mention re hearing. After I explained to the registrar that the toll road had breached my right to free movement within the state of Victoria, as per the Victorian charter of human rights plus many other issues, I intended to bring forward at the next hearing she offered to take a guilty plea in exchange for the fine being wiped and only pay the 40 dollar court administration cost.

Very happy for my first time but will follow threw to full hearing next time.


Jake – Vic.

The following is a detailed testimonial from a Member, who is also a Member of the Know Your Rights group, and used our combined information to get his matter heard in court, something that was previously denied to him. Make special note of his reference to section 8, sub-section 12 of the Imperial Acts Application Act, that we referred to earlier.

Hello all,

Following up from last week. I had the hearing yesterday for annulling the decision by Revenue NSW that I could not go to court because I had not filled out the elect to go to court notice.

I kept with the defence that statute laws are not in line with the basic rights to a fair trial.

The Magistrate read a few papers and delayed my case for later in the day because he had to read some law regarding my case. He said this sort of case does not come up very often and he had to check some law.

When we resumed he threw the law book at me and for someone who has not studied their rights, that would have been the end.

I then asked what is the jurisdiction of the court and does it recognise the bill of rights 1688? As I wanted to bring into the debate, the good old sect 12. “That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures before conviction are illegal and void” which would end this case immediately.

The Magistrate refused to say what the Jurisdiction of the court was. I asked three times and then let him know I have grounds for a judicial review.

I remember you guys saying that you need to give the Magistrate a way out. It was not in my plan, but luckily I did say I wrote some letters to Revenue, that were terribly written, as I could not get my thoughts onto paper the way I wanted and if I could go back, I would re write those letters. Which is true.

The Magistrate said something along the lines of that is not the right thing to do. Then remembering Darryl explaining the mistake clause which I did look up and study. I quickly stated yes I made a mistake.

He took that as the way out and I have my next appearance in two weeks for the matter of not stopping at an amber light.

On the way out a young lawyer gave me smile before quickly returning to her court poker face. I am glad someone was there to appreciate the moment.

It has been great learning from you Mike and Darryl. I did get the Aussie Speeding Fines book years ago and had success with it. But it wasn’t until going to your seminar in Sydney last year that something clicked. That I am not powerless against the Government. And a year later be confident enough to take on a Magistrate in such a way as this, to have this result is extraordinary.

Thank you very much!

Paul – NSW

Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and papwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there.

28 April 2018

Please make sure you read this long overdue update with heaps of important info!

– Intro

We’re going to apologise, from the outset, for the delay in getting this important update out to you. It has been over 2 months since our last e-mail update and people have been e-mailing us for a month now asking us if we’re ‘still alive’!

Yes, we’re definitely still here and, rest assured, we have been working on a number of things feverishly in the background – we certainly haven’t bene sitting around twiddling our thumbs.

One of our biggest issues has been that the E-Book Pro server that we use for our digital e-books is still down and we can’t see to get them to resurrect it so we’re desperately trying to figure out a workaround for everyone, which we believe we’re now onto. We’re also working on a new format, moving forwards, that we have complete control over, so we don’t have to rely on other people and other servers.

Please keep this in mind when ordering or recommending our information and note that we always urge people to grab our Hard Copy versions to avoid any issues with the server.

In any event, we have a heap of articles and information to cover in this update and, despite the huge amount of info we have included, we have managed to keep this update shorter than usual as well – yes, we hear the sighs of relief from here! So, as always, make yourself comfortable and read on to learn the latest exciting info…..

The latest speed camera madness

Despite that fact that we have proven time and time again, year after year, that speed cameras do little, if anything, to help reduce the road toll, the various State governments around the country are well and truly hooked on all the revenue that these devices raise for them.

There have been a number of interesting reports on just how much revenue these cameras earn and we’re are forever hopeful that once people get their head around these numbers – as well as the constantly increasing road toll in most States – they will, once and for all, decide to join us and challenge every unjust and unlawful fine they receive.

So, first up, there was this story from Channel 7 – https://au.news.yahoo.com/the-sydney-speed-camera-making-7-million-a-year-39352392.html – which details that NSW cameras have so far raked in over $185 million!!!!

They interviewed Roads Minister Melinda Pavey who typically prattled on about how all the revenue raised “goes back into the community road safety fund”. Well, clearly that road safety fund is extremely  ineffective because this website – https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/statistics/index.html – shows that the road toll has increased  in NSW by over 15.5% in the last 12 months!!!

Worse still, she blatantly lies a little later in the interview, when she claims that, “I don’t want the money but I don’t want fatalities but the two are inextricably linked.” Really??? Well, the link above would show that is clearly not the case because, as the story details, there are now more speed cameras in NSW, raising more revenue than ever before, yet the road toll has increased by a significant 15.5% over last year!!! Maybe Ms Pavey has some ‘magical’ way of explaining these facts rather than just spouting her ridiculous, entirely baseless claims!

Thankfully, the ‘driving expert’ that they interviewed can see the facts for what they are and is recommending the same thing as we have been urging for over a decade now on our Vision for the Future page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/vision-for-the-future/ – and that is, better driving education and training, not  more revenue raising cameras!

In Victoria, where they issue even more fines than they do in NSW, they are a little more open about their speed camera locations – maybe that’s to justify just how much they make from motorists there each year!

In order to do that, they have set up an interesting website – perfectly named by their propaganda department (ie House of Lies) – called Speed Cameras Save Lives – https://www.camerassavelives.vic.gov.au/camera-locations Apart from the physical, logical and common sense fact that a speed camera can never actually ‘save’ anyone’s life, what’s interesting about this site is that you can click on an actual camera location and most of them allow you to download a supposed “Camera Testing Certificate”.

Now, as we explain in our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – these so-called ‘certificates’ aren’t worth the paper their written on because the people who create them are not authorised to do so under federal legislation, and, furthermore, they do not contain the manufacturers required information. However, what we found when we clicked on some of those locations was that about half the cameras that we clicked on detailed the fact that the Last Annual Test Date was over the 12 month period provided for by the government’s own flawed and faulty legislation.

So, that means that, if you have been snapped by one of these cameras and it wasn’t tested within the last 12 months, you can very easily have the fine withdrawn! We love it when the government is so blatantly greedy and so desperate to justify stealing money from innocent motorists that they trip over their own feet and actually make it easier for motorists to successfully challenge their fines!

It seems as though more and more people are waking up to these facts and statistics and are getting increasingly fed up with these ridiculous revenue raising cameras and are starting to take matters into their own hands. And, whilst we certainly don’t condone the sort of action detailed in this article – https://www.smh.com.au/national/western-australia/perth-man-charged-after-fixed-speed-camera-damaged-beyond-use-20180225-h0wmgo.html – we can certainly understand it.

Rather than resorting to criminal behaviour though, Aussie motorists would be far better off doing to our governments what they do to us – hit them in their back pockets – by using our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – to challenge your fines and stop blindly handing over your hard earned money every time one arrives in the mail.

At the end of the day, if we don’t all start fighting back collectively, then the Big Brother system that George Orwell write about in his novel “1984” will continue at a greater rate, as this article explains – https://www.businessinsider.com.au/the-nsw-government-is-going-to-use-speed-cameras-to-check-if-youre-using-a-mobile-phone-2018-2

– More rubbish from our governments

If it isn’t bad enough that our State governments use speed cameras as revenue raising machines, they have now taken, in earnest, to using our various State police forces as glorified tax collectors, to raise even more revenue.

Our politicians and puppet-masters have brainwashed our police – and related agencies – so badly, that they are now spouting absolute garbage, such as the statements in this article – https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/huge-travel-risk-police-tac-slam-princes-highway-110km-h-speed-limit-proposal-20180219-p4z0tv.html

Seriously, how brainwashed – or stupid – do you have to be to “slam” a proposal to increase the speed limit on a freeway by a mere 10km/h!!! Increasing the speed limit to an open limit was proven to decrease the number of fatalities in the Northern Territory just a few years ago. Increasing speed limits in a number of Sates in the US by 10, or even 15 miles per hour has also been proven to decrease fatalities, yet our police want to “slam” a proposed increase of just 10 km/h. We are truly speechless!

Instead of trying to find the words to respond to this insanity, in a completely unprecedented move, we will allow a lawyer to respond on our behalf!!!

Please, once you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor – after reading that last comment – take a moment to read over this short but clear, succinct and factual article by a lawyer – https://robertbrydenlawyers.com.au/2018/02/low-speed-kills-great-road-safety-issue/ – as it mirrors the information we have had on our Vision for the Future page for over a decade now.

What’s even worse than brainwashing our police though, is the fact that the governments have now set a precedent that those enforcing speed are subject to a different set of rules than the rest of us. This was clearly detailed in this article – https://thewest.com.au/news/traffic/wa-police-investigation-clears-cops-over-speed-caution-ng-b88768321z

Let’s make this crystal clear for everyone: A speed camera operator was clocked at 31 km/h over the speed limit – on a double demerit point weekend – and the police let him off with a caution. The police were then ‘investigated’ – yeah, right – and found to have done nothing wrong!

We wonder what would happen if the thousands of motorists who are issued with tickets for driving through roadworks areas each and every week proffered the same excuse!

– There is some good news though

Despite the madness and insanity that we have covered in the preceding sections, there is actually some good news though because more and more people are waking up and fighting back.

As we state at some point in most of our e-mail updates, we all know people who quote the mantra “If you don’t do anything wrong then you’ve got nothing to worry about”.

Thankfully, those ‘angelic motorists’ are now suffering under the ever-increasing number of flawed, faulty and incorrect fines that are being issued across the country, all the time. Those of us who have bene standing our ground are now finally in a position to watch these people eat some long overdue humble pie.

As this article details – https://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/council-cock-up-undisclosed-number-of-parking-fines-issued-in-error/news-story/a2486e70169ce17912c1b09e8367e64f – 1.3 million parking fines were issued in NSW, totalling more than $164 million in revenue and now the councils are finally admitting that many of them were issued in error!

Even the City of Sydney spokesperson admits that they only have “Checks and balances in place to minimise errors” not to eliminate them. So, do you want to be one of the thousands of brainwashed ‘sheep’ that blindly hands over their hard earned money every time they receive a fine or, do you want to be one of the tens of thousands of informed and educated motorists in this country, that is armed with the information in our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – who successfully challenges all  unjust and unlawfully issued fines?

Before you decide, make sure you watch this special Channel 7 report – https://www.facebook.com/7newssydney/videos/1964917893532334/ – that details how $16 million worth of fines have been “ripped up” because Aussie motorists, who have our information, and know the law, and their rights, have successfully challenged their fines and beaten them!

Even John Cadogan – a very well know motoring journalist – states, very clearly that there are ‘heaps of loopholes’ and you ‘owe it to yourself’ to figure out what they are. Rather than trying to do that on your own, however, we have presented them all in a very simple to follow, step-by-step e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – that spells everything out very clearly for you.

Even the journalist in the video clearly states, “Thousands of drivers are getting off”. Amazingly, there’s even a lawyer admitting that if you send the right letter in response to a fine, you can be let off with a caution – something we have been explaining to motorists – and, of course, providing them with the exact letters to write – for over a decade now!

And, finally, there’s this article – https://thenewspaper.com/news/64/6402.asp – which details a ten-year study into red light cameras and admits that they are of very little benefit. The extremely comprehensive study shows that, at 19 out of the 35 camera sites studied, they were worse off after the cameras were installed.  The report stated that, “At 14 locations, the total number of injury accidents increased or stayed the same after the cameras were installed.

This, of course, mirrors the information we have had on our Petition to remove Cameras page for many years now – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/petition-to-remove-cameras/ If you haven’t yet added your signature please be sure to do so now.

There’s even more good news further down this e-mail in our updated Latest Testimonials and Feedback section.

– Know Your Rights group FREE seminars and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area. Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their brand new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

They have also running their brand new, completely revamped live events around the country and their Introductory Seminars are now completely free! So, if you would like to learn more about your rights, be sure to check out their Seminar page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ – to find out more and to secure your seats to those events.

Their next events are in Adelaide, on the 20th, 21st & 22nd of April so please make sure you use this direct link – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/adelaide-introductory-intermediate-seminars-and-advanced-workshop-18th-19th-20th-of-may-2018/ – to secure your seats to those truly life-changing event. Please note that this will be the one and only round of events they will be running in Adelaide this year so make sure you don’t miss out.

They are also working closely with a new group called Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day. You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories.

The first is from a Member who successfully used our information to challenge and defeat a couple of unlawfully issued parking fines

Hi Guys,

Just letting you guys know.  I had 2 parking infringements from Wyndham City Council just before xmas. They have both been withdrawn using your methods. Thanks a lot keep up the good work. You can use this in your testimonials if you wish.


John – Vic.

The second is from one of our Advanced Members – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/advanced-membership/ – who used our info to fight $10,000 worth of unjust and unlawful fines y using our information to challenge the validity of the courts!!!


I actually had a win against the blatant illegal government of STH AUSTRALIA over $10000 of fines I challenged the validity of the courts that issued them.

It took all of two days for the Fines Recovery Unit to tell me that they had written off the fines and no more correspondence into the matter was required

I now have 7 more cases against VICPOL over their illegal compulsory breath analysis testing in May


And, finally, we have one from a Member who used our information to drag a matter out and then elect to have it heard in court but has never heard anything back, which is often the case now as they are so swamped with court requests form motorists that they simply can’t keep[ up any more.

Dear Sir/Madam

I purchased your e-book on the 24 February 2015.

I received the E-Book and scanned through it.

Following the advice I read my speeding fine was never been paid!!

Queensland Licencing wrote to me to inform me some 3 months after the alleged incident, that I had been issued 1 Demerit point for Nathan (where the alleged incident occurred) and if I got to 12 points I would loose my licence!! (had 8 points prior to this but they have gone now)

2 days later I receive another letter from SPER again demanding money with menace!! So I relented and applied to go to court, with my wife insisting that I sign the form and for her to post it, because she didn’t trust me to mail it!!

It has now been over three years since the alleged offence and still no Court date!!!

Alan – QLD

Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and papwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,

10 February 2018
The latest important media articles and heaps of new testimonials and absolute proof of success with our system!

– Intro

Can you believe it’s February already??? Wasn’t it Christmas like just a few weeks ago?

We have to admit that, for the first time in about a decade, we actually took some time off over January so it’s been a couple of months since we last wrote to you and, it’s a brand new year and a whole lot has already happened and there’s lots of exciting things ‘in the pipeline’ as well.

The revenue raising goons have been out in force for most of last month and we have been inundated with e-mails from frustrated motorists who came home from their holidays, only to receive ridiculous, unjust and unlawful fines for very minor traffic ‘infringements’.

Thankfully though, we have also received a heap of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to beat their fines as well and you can read all about those success stories in the Latest Testimonials and Feedback section towards the end of this e-mail update. We have also included numerous copies of letters they have received from various agencies confirming that their fines have bene withdrawn so you know 100% that our information and strategies work, exactly as we say they do!

We have a real mixed bag of information this month but the one ‘theme’ that runs through all the following articles is how ‘fired up’ you will get after reading them. So, as always, make yourself comfortable and read on to learn the latest exciting info…..

Even the police want to scrap speed cameras!

Our first article is a very telling one from QLD, where the police union has come out publically and stated that unmarked cameras do absolutely nothing for road safety and exist purely to raise revenue. You can read the full article here – https://www.sbs.com.au/news/police-union-calls-to-remove-sneaky-unmarked-speed-cameras

Now, this is obviously not ground breaking news for anyone reading this e-mail update but, the fact that it is now the police themselves saying this, is very powerful. The fact that the mainstream media actually quoted them as saying , “the “sneaky” devices did not reduce the state’s road toll or stop people from speeding.” is truly surprising and very welcome.

They go on to categorically state what we have been telling our Members for over a decade now, “Getting a ticket in the mail up to a month after speeding when you can barely remember even where you were back then, has no effect and is quite rightly cynically viewed as revenue raising,”

The closing line of that article is one of the most sensible pieces of reporting we have read in a long time – “There’s no use acting after the event, it’s far better to prevent people from speeding in the first place,” – well done SBS and the QPU!

Sadly, the QLD government is completely ignoring the fact that motorists have ‘had enough’ of these blatant revenue raising devices and, rather than take on board what the QPU have said, they are doing exactly the opposite and installing even more cameras! QLD has now joined the majority of other States by introducing completely ineffective – as far as reducing the road toll goes – point-to-point speed cameras.

This article – https://cairnsnews.org/2018/01/23/locations-of-new-p-2-p-speed-cameras-in-qld/ – details the locations of those new cameras so please be sure to spread these around far and wide because, no doubt, the QLD government will not be publicising them!

And, it appears the WA government is ignoring all of this as well, as they proudly roll out new rear-facing speed cameras, specifically to target motorcycle riders – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-29/new-rear-facing-speed-cameras-in-wa-target-motorcycles/9292654

The problem is, of course, that, just like every other camera, sending out a fine in the mail 3 or 4 week after the event is going to do absolutely nothing to reduce the road toll. Isn’t it strange that the government continues to spout rubbish like “Every K over is a killer” and “Speed Kills” yet they fully expect you to stay alive for at least a few weeks – no matter how much you were exceeding the limit by – in order to pay the fine once it eventually arrives!

If only these revenue raising snakes would stop speaking with forked tongues and admit that, when they crap on about “creating a level playing field”, what they really mean is they can extract as much money from motorcyclists now as they do from other motor vehicle owners.

– How other countries deal with this blatant revenue raising

As we have stated in a number of e-mail updates before, it is incredibly paradoxical that members of the Australian Defence Force are some of the toughest, hardest fighting people in the world, yet the general Australian motoring public are some of the laziest and most apathetic!

Most motorists just sit on their collective bacskides bleating “it’s too hard to fight back” or, worse still, “if you got a fine then you must have done something wrong”, all the while, more and more cameras are introduced and more fines are issued than ever before yet, on the whole, the road toll continues to rise.

Conversely, you have motorists in other countries who band together and take extraordinary action when even the most minor of their rights to travel are infringed upon or impeded. Take this story – https://thenewspaper.com/news/63/6386.asp – for example, from France, where motorists went crazy simply because the government decided to reduce the speed limits on certain stretches of road by 10 km/h. Our governments do that to us on a weekly basis here in Australia and yet no-one bats an eyelid – in fact, they just hand over more of their hard earned money when the inevitable increase in the number of fines occurs as a direct result of that deceptive speed reduction.

Seriously, how do they continually justify the fact that a road that was completely safe to drive on a month ago at 70km/h (for example) is now completely unsafe – according to them – to drive on at even 1km/h over 60! We would be very surprised if there was a single person reading this e-mail that hadn’t experienced some kind of an artificially reduced speed limit, in their area, at some point over the past 6 to 12 months. Why do our governments keep reducing speed limits, never raising them? Why do we continue to allow them to get away with this, when motorists in other countries are up in arms???

Then, there’s this guy, from Germany, who took a tractor out and mowed down 6 speed cameras – https://www.wheelsmag.com.au/news/1712/rogue-tractor-driver-destroys-six-speed-cameras The article also refers to other instances in the UK and Slovakia, where motorists have taken action against these cameras to voice their disapproval of them.

We find it outrageous that, in the closing line of the article, the Department of ‘Just is’ can claim that speed cameras fall under the umbrella of “critical infrastructure” – the only thing they are ‘critical’ to is on-going revenue raising for the government!

Now, we want to make it clear that we do not condone this sort of action in any way and we are certainly not suggesting that people go out and vandalise speed cameras but there has to be some ‘middle ground’ between vandalizing cameras and blindly handing over your hard earned money every time you receive a traffic fine.

And, that’s where our e-book comes in. “Speeding Fines, What You REALLY Need To Know”https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/ – is an extremely comprehensive (87 pages), step-by-step manual that shows you precisely how to challenge these ridiculous, revenue raising fines using proven legal principles and, by arming yourself with words rather than weapons.

If you want to fight back against this madness in a formal, legal way, then be sure to grab a copy of our e-book right away – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – and remember, the best time to be armed with our information is before you get a fine!

– More proof that fines are invalid and don’t work

Not only are speed and red light cameras completely ineffective at reducing the road toll and, not only do they exist purely to raise revenue but, on top of that, they are being used unlawfully as well – as we detail in our e-book.

We have reported a number of times on the speed and red light camera scandal that gripped many States in the US and, this year, yet another city has fallen foul of these cameras and had the courts rule them as un-Constitutional – https://www.activistpost.com/2018/02/court-finds-red-light-camera-fines-unconstitutional-forces-city-refund-tickets.html

This time, it is New Miami in Ohio, where the story is similar to other cities, as the courts have ruled that, “the $3 million in fines stolen from drivers with no due process was all obtained illegally and they must now pay it back.”

Now, although this is obviously a US ruling, the exact same principles apply here too – we also have tickets sent to us in the mail, by a private corporation who do not follow “due process” – ie. They are in breach of Section 8, Sub-section 12 of our Imperial Acts Application Act. If you don’t know what that is or why it is vitally important, it is all explained in our licence-saving e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/

The closing line of that article really says it all and the same applies here in Australia 100% – “As more people refuse to comply, these companies, who rely on corrupt and greedy politicians willing to sell out their citizens for a buck, will begin to fail. And, when they lose — freedom wins.” We all need to fight back against every unjust and unlawful fine we receive!

Then, there’s this article and accompanying video – https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-best-takedown-of-the-speed-kills-myth-you-1302382244 – which completely destroys the ridiculous and completely baseless “Speed kills” myth.

And, as if all of that wasn’t enough, then there’s this article and accompanying research – https://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/car-technology/a14470078/how-lowering-the-speed-limit-can-actually-hurt-pedestrians/?src=nl&mag=pop&list=nl_pnl_news&date=122017 – that explains that lowering the speed limit can actually increase fatalities!

It goes into great detail explaining why that is the case and, given that we mentioned in our earlier section that our governments are constantly reducing speed limits in most States, we too need to be asking when they are going to be increased so our roads can become safer again.

– Beyond ridiculous

We came across a couple more articles that really didn’t fit into any other specific category but we felt they needed to be included because of just how purely ridiculous they were.

The first is an article that details the push for a national drivers licence scheme – https://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/labor-backs-australian-national-drivers-licence-scheme-20171229-h0bfvl.html – and the reasons they give are truly mind boggling.

How on earth does Anthony Albanese justify his completely absurd claim that a disqualified driver applying for a licence in another State would be “risking the safety of other motorists”. Motorists are unjustly and unfairly “disqualified” from their God-given right to travel freely around the planet for all manner of ridiculous reasons – often times, for simply refusing to pay unjust and unlawful fines – so how on earth does that make them a danger to other motorists???

He goes on to reference “a crisis” but completely fails to explain or justify what on earth that supposed crisis is. Does he really just mean the difficulty in continuing to raise revenue from motorists who have woken up to their rights and are exploiting loopholes that the government created for their own people to use. Hmmm….something to think about.

Then, he goes completely ‘off the reservation’ and talks about the ‘holiday road toll’ but, again, what on earth does that have to do with a national drivers licence scheme and how, exactly, does he believe implementing one would, in any way reduce the holiday road toll???

Is it just us or has this guy completely lost his marbles!

Then, there’s this article – https://meanwhileinaustralia.com/2017/12/12/its-just-wrong-man-left-furious-after-being-slapped-with-a-hefty-fine-for-parking-in-his-own-driveway/ – which details a number of motorists who were fined for …. wait for it …. parking in their own driveways!!!

What the???

Yes, you read that correctly, certain councils – which operate under ABN (Australian Business Numbers) as corporations (they all have a CEO) and, therefore, have no lawful right to issue fines – are now issuing fines to people for parking in their own driveways. Seriously, how utterly desperate for money do you need to be to resort to tactics such as these?

– There is some good news though

Thankfully, it’s not all bad news this month, in fact, there’s some very positive news to report and we’re happy to be able to finish this month’s e-mail off on a high note.

The first, and most powerful bit of good news is that the cracks are not only ‘appearing’ but they are definitely ‘widening’ in ‘the system’. As this article details – https://www.theage.com.au/victoria/unsustainable-pressure-justice-system-sagging-under-toll-road-fine-burden-20171226-h0a6ur.html – there are now so many people challenging ridiculous, unjust and unlawful toll fines – hopefully as a result of our recent e-mail updates proving they are unlawful – that the so-called ‘justice system’ is suffering under a “huge burden”.

Those words are like music to our ears, and hopefully, yours too.

There were just over 1.4 million toll fines issued on Citylink and Eastlink over the 2016/2017 period and more than half of those were challenged and ended up in court! Again, you have no idea how incredibly happy we are to read those figures!!!

That means that more than 50% of motorists are now taking action and saying “No! We will not accept these unlawful fines any longer, we are going to fight back”. And, the proof is in the pudding – the justice system is suffering significant hardship and “the courts are overwhelmed with tolling matters”.

The article geos further to state that, “The number of charges for driving on private toll roads is placing unsustainable pressure on magistrates courts already at breaking point.” We love it! Go Victorian motorists!!!

A number of our Members have contacted us over the past few months and confirmed that they have been to court over toll fines and, even those who were challenging their toll fines without our information, were having all the extra fees and charges removed and they only had to pay the actual usage charges. And, one member that we spoke to just this week said that Citylink are now phoning motorists before a toll charge becomes an actual fine and will remove all the extra charges if you ask them to because, once a fine is issued, the toll company doesn’t get paid!

So, you can easily use Citylink or Eastlink, without paying, drag it on for a few months or possibly even years and then still just pay the original amount. Imagine what would happen to these unlawful toll companies if every motorist did that!! Remember, all our roads are created in ‘fee simple’, We, The People own them and no-one has a right to charge us to use them pursuant to section 92 of the Commonwealth Constitution. Again, if you don’t understand this, it is all explained in our e-book – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/about-asf/about-the-e-book/

But wait, there’s more!

There’s also this article – https://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/council-cock-up-undisclosed-number-of-parking-fines-issued-in-error/news-story/a2486e70169ce17912c1b09e8367e64f – from NSW which admits that more than $100 million worth of parking fines were issued in error!

So, for all those reading this who have friends/relatives/co-workers etc. that tell them they are stupid for challenging their fines because “the system is always right” and “if you got a fine, you must have done something wrong”, you can show them this article – in addition to the hundreds of similar ones we have reported on over the years.

Now, what makes this article interesting is how they try and fudge their way through the figures. They admit that 1.3 million fines were issued and that 34,234 were successfully appealed but they try and twist things around by stating that only 1% of fines are actually withdrawn, without acknowledging that 27% – yes, that’s twenty seven percent – of fines that are challenged are challenged successfully – no doubt, by our Members who are armed with our tried, tested and proven legal arguments!

What’s even worse is that they openly admit that their “checks and balances” only minimise errors – they certainly don’t eliminate them and they certainly don’t account for all the fines that are issued unlawfully by corporations operating under an ABN, who have no lawful authority to issue fines in the first place.

They then try and justify all of that blatant revenue raising by saying that they do it to “help manage parking turnover” – of course, they don’t say whether it actually achieves that goal in any way, shape or form at all though.

And, finally, there’s this article – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-03/victorian-magistrate-charged-over-road-crash/9301550 – which highlights two very important points. Firstly, not all “justice department” employees are above the law – we hope the courts issue him with the maximum penalty because, someone in charge of ‘enforcing the law’ should be held to the highest possible standard and be punished the most if he/she breaches that standard – after all, it would be a bit of a double standard if he just ‘got off’.

But, most importantly, the quote by the Chief Magistrate that, “The magistrate is entitled, as is every other member of the community, to the presumption of innocence,” is one that every motorist should throw back at any agency that issues them with a fine and expects them to just “pay up”. It should also be used in every case where an agency attempts to tell you that, if you don’t nominate another driver, then you are “deemed” to be the person responsible, even if you can prove that you weren’t. Very powerful words!

– Know Your Rights group FREE seminars and Bank Secrets Revealed info

As many of you would now be aware, we are working very closely with the Know Your Rights group, trying to get our information out to the masses.

People often ask us for advice on other topics not related to traffic fines – such as the many questions we get about rates, failing to vote fines and how to handle the banks. We really want to keep our focus on traffic fines and do everything we can to bring about changes in this field, even though we are obviously aware of “the bigger picture” and we have a lot information outside this area. Instead, we believe that the best place to go to for other information – especially on topics such as tax being illegal, the banking fraud, the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution, the recent mandatory vaccination laws, the Strawman concept, and much more – is definitely the Know Your Rights group – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

Their website is very comprehensive and has just recently been completely revamped. They have added a number of videos and the website provides a ton of free information and, on top of that, they run really informative on-line radio shows every Tuesday night – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ – that are completely free to listen to.

If you enjoy their free information, we would encourage you to have a look at some of the other great products and services that they offer – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/products/ – and we definitely recommend their new e-book – “The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights” – as it covers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics that is all explained very simply and clearly. Be sure to read over their e-book page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/our-e-book/ – and grab a copy.

We urge you to support the group in any way you can and, be sure to take advantage of all of their incredible information they have available to help you learn about your rights, including their brand new Seminar DVDs, that contain a complete copy of one of their full, live introductory seminars – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/product/live-seminar-dvds/

They have also just started running their brand new, completely revamped live events again around the country and their Introductory Seminars are now completely free! So, if you would like to learn more about your rights, be sure to check out their Seminar page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ – to find out more and to secure your seats to those events.

They are also working closely with a new group called Bank Secrets Revealed, who also have a very informative website on how to successfully challenge the banks regarding any outstanding debts. They have a fantastic e-book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!” – and, we urge anyone who has a credit card, personal loan or home loan to read through that e-book so that you fully understand the incredible fraud that the banks commit every day. You can visit their website – www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au – to find out more.

– Latest Testimonials and Feedback

As always, we have received a number of new testimonials from Members who have successfully used our information to challenge their own fines so be sure to read through the following success stories. And, given that we haven’t done an official e-mail update for a couple of months, there are a few more than usual.

What also makes these testimonials extra special is that this month, people not only sent us their personalized e-mails explaining their success with our system but also sent us copies of the letters they received from various agencies confirming that their fines had been withdrawn! We have included copies of those letters, minus any personal information and you will find them accompanying a number of the testimonials below. We trust this will be more than sufficient to silence the very small minority of people that have dared to suggest that we ‘make up’ any of our testimonials.

The first is from a Member who, like the many people we mentioned in an earlier section of this update, has successfully used our information to challenge Citylink over their unlawful tolling system.

Hello All,

Just wanted to thank you profusely for your assistance. My long running battle with Citylink is finally over thanks to buying your book and using your advice. Years of bullying has come to an end. Can`t thank you or recommend you enough.

Kindest Regards

David – Vic.

The second is from a Member who sent our 3 step process letters to a police officer who issued him with a parking ticket and successfully had the fine withdrawn.

Well done guys and thanks for all the help and advice.

Fine has been withdrawn.

Thanks again for all your help.


Damian – QLD

You can read a copy of the letter from SPER confirming this fact, via this link – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/attachments/SPER_letter.pdf

Then there was one from a Member who successfully used our letters to drag a speeding fine out for more than 12 months and, as a result, they also withdrew the fine.

To all the people at ASF,

Thank you, the fine has bene withdrawn. Without you blokes and all your advice and assistance, I would not have thought this to be possible.

It does work and very well. Feel free to use this in testimonials, as I do appreciate your work very much.

Kel – QLD

You can view a copy of the QLD Police letter confirming the fine has been withdrawn, via this link – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/attachments/QLD_Police_letter.pdf

Then, there’s this e-mail from yet another QLD Member who has had a fine withdrawn, this time, by the Brisbane City Council for supposedly ‘littering’.

Hi Guys,

Thanks again for your hard work in finding what’s happening. You have inspired me to start campaigning against our laws and legal system. I’m enjoying going to court now and clogging up the corrupt legal system. Next court date is 22nd Jan. It’s very difficult to awaken the Australian Public but slowly and surely it will happen. I must admit I was once asleep, I now see. Once you see you can’t unsee. 

My entire family thinks I’m crazy and think it’s a “fluke” that I beat the council in a silly fine. The schooling indoctrination camps are working well. Unfortunately, ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I wish I could be ignorant again. 

I’ll send through my letter from the council confirming that the fine has been withdrawn. 

Simon – QLD

You can read the full letter from the council via this link – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/attachments/Brisbane_Council_letter.pdf

And, finally, there’s the e-mail below from a member who, even though he did technically do what they were accusing him of, chose to take the fine to court and explain his situation to a Magistrate and, as a result, had the matter entirely dismissed. This is why it is so important to challenge every fine, rather than blindly ‘pay up’, even if you did, in fact, do what they claim.

Hi there,

I had an experience 2 years ago where I was pinged (correctly) for driving an unregistered vehicle. There were quite a few flaws with the way the RMS had handled it and I had all the clever strategies drawn from your book ready to go. But I sat in a few cases prior to mine and observed the magistrate.

The prosecutor was a killer and thought they had me dead to rights. I told the magistrate the absolute truth of the circumstances, and could contextualise my behaviour from cases just heard. His honour was pleased to hear such a refreshing account and dismissed the charges (after checking my record for any prior pattern). Not Sec 10, fully dismissed.

If you are curious why, it was because I had been called to pick up some drunk friends 10km away who realised they couldn’t drive home so called me 11:30pm. I got about 4km and realised I had taken the just-run-out-of-rego car, but didn’t go back for the other one as didn’t want these girls getting the bright idea to drive home just because I didn’t turn up quickly enough.

That the RMS sent the renewal papers to the wrong address, and other faults, and the consequences thereof, are things I never even mentioned… So nice to have the comfort of your book knowledge, but ultimately not needed for this one.

Kind regards,


Please remember that there are plenty more e-mails like that on our Testimonial’s pages – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/testimonials/ – and many of you will note that our old page has now grown to seven full pages and continues to grow each month because we regularly receive stories of success, just like these, from our Members.

One thing that we are now asking our Members to do, if you have had any kind of success with our information, is to send us in a very short video testimonial, similar to the ones that the Know Your Rights group has near the bottom of their Home page – https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/

These don’t need to be professionally recorded, just a simple 1 or 2 minute statement into your phone video recorder is fine – just something that we can show people to let them know that other, everyday Aussie motorists, just like them, are using our information to successfully beat their fines.

If you could record those and e-mail them through to us at info@aussiespeedingfines.com that would be very much appreciated.

– Facebook group, become an affiliate, bumper stickers and business cards

So, now you can see how powerful the Aussie Speeding Fines information is, what can you do to help us get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist before they get a fine?

First and foremost, if you’re not yet a Member or you know someone who isn’t then please go to our Memberships page – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/ – and join up now.

Please note that E-book Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/memberships/e-book-membership/ – is what you will need to access the step-by-step strategies for defeating your fines, and Advanced Membership – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Update-Membership-%252d-new-Members-area.html – is what will allow you to access the most up-to-date, more advanced arguments, strategies, techniques and papwork for defeating your fines.

The Advanced Membership website also contains copies of all of the manufacturers manuals for every speed detection device currently used in Australia, as well as some very powerful court cases and paperwork that you can download and use yourself.

Then, if you would really like to help us spread the word and get our invaluable, licence saving information into the hands of every motorist in the country, then please be sure to join and/or visit our Facebook group and get your friends to join as well. We now have a direct Facebook link on the top right hand side of our Home page or you can just use this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/AussieSpeedingFines/

And, if you haven’t yet done so, please spare 10 seconds to click “like” on our fan page – https://www.facebook.com/Aussie-Speeding-Fines-433275636708829/ – we have well over 6,000 Members on our Group page but only just over 2,000 “likes” and we really want to raise that to be on par with our Group numbers ASAP.

Don’t forget that, if you join up as an Affiliate – https://aussiespeedingfines.com/affiliates/ – you can use our affiliate links in your posts and on any websites or e-mails you may send out and you can earn a full 33% commission on everyone that you refer to us who joins up as a Member.

Many of you will have also noticed the Paypal “Donate” button just above the Facebook link. The team at Aussie Speeding Fines work tirelessly day and night, 7 days a week, answering everyone’s e-mails, continually researching to find new ways to defeat unjust fines and preparing these weekly e-mail updates. So, any financial support you could offer, no matter how small, is always very much appreciated.

And finally, if you really want to help make a difference, just e-mail us your postal address and we will send you out some business cards and/or bumper stickers – completely free of charge – that you can then place on your car/truck/van and/or hand out to friends, family and work colleagues.

As always, we thank you all for your continued support and we appreciate all the Members who have taken the time to e-mail us with the latest media articles they come across as well as their stories of their success so please, keep them coming!

Stay safe out there,