Digital Option 3 Value – E-book $67 + Seminar DVD $37 = $104 for just $94!


“Speeding Fines – What You REALLY Need to Know!” has been available to the Australian public for almost ten years now and it is taken the motorists in this country by storm.   If you have ANY questions or doubts as the effectiveness and authenticity of our strategies, then we would immediately direct you to our Testimonials page, where people from all states have successfully fought back against ALL types of traffic fines, using our information, and WON!

This Option #3 Package includes:

– Speeding Fines eBook Online Version

–  Resources Included

– Speeding Fines Seminar DVD

*NOTE: The Seminar DVD will be sent to your Physical Postal Address.

Aussie Speeding Fines E-Book
Seminar DVD


“Speeding Fines – What You REALLY Need to Know!” has been available to the Australian public for almost ten years now and it is taken the motorists in this country by storm.   If you have ANY questions or doubts as the effectiveness and authenticity of our strategies, then we would immediately direct you to our Testimonials page, where people from all states have successfully fought back against ALL types of traffic fines, using our information, and WON!

This online digital e-book also includes e-book updates free of charge for LIFE) details EVERYTHING you need to know about speed detection, speeding fines and their associated laws and EXACTLY how to use this information to YOUR benefit. Please click here to find out more about what is actually covered in our e-book.

It shows you in very simple, step-by-step terms (including copies and examples of exact letters to write) what you need to do to avoid being subjected to all unjust and unlawful traffic fines and WHY it is important to do so.

We all know that the government lies and cheats, but Aussie Speeding Fines’ e-book will expose to you just how MUCH they lie and cheat in respect to traffic fines (in particular, speeding fines) and, no matter how bad you thought they were before, our FACTS will SHOCK you.

This e-book is NOT designed so everyone can go around speeding lawlessly and just get away with it. It is about making the government ACCOUNTABLE for their ILLEGAL activities, forcing them to STOP robbing innocent motorists and THEN introducing a system of road laws that actually WORKS.

Aussie Speeding Fines will show you exactly HOW and WHY our system will WORK for you and EVERYONE else on our roads and how we will ultimately bring in a far better licensing system for everyone that really DOES reduce the death toll and makes driving far more enjoyable for everyone!

All the information is provided in a straight forward, very simple to read and understand format. In fact, this is the most fun you will probably ever have, learning about the laws of this country.

The included live Seminar on DVD was conducted by Aussie Speeding Fines.  

You will be amazed as you discover the laws that are being broken by the very people that enforce our traffic penalties.

This will give you proof and the many reasons why Red Light Cameras, Speeding Fines & Parking Tickets are in fact, unlawful

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